Maintenance Manual 190-02472-02G3X Touch EFIS Part 23 AML STC Revision 2Page 1038.15 G5 Miscompare CheckThis test is only performed on installations with G5 ADI as a standby instrument.1. Apply power to the aircraft and G3X system and allow G5 to initialize.2. Verify heading, altitude and IAS values on the G3X PFD match the values on the G5, andheading, altitude and IAS miscompare messages are not displayed on the PFD.3. Rotate G3X PFD knob that has been configured for controlling heading and verify “HDG xxxº” isdisplayed on the G5 and matches the value on the G3X PFD, and the heading bugs move at thesame rate on both the G5 and G3X PFD.4. Press the G5 knob then rotate to highlight “Heading” field, press the knob to make selection androtate to adjust: Verify the values on the heading field on the G3X PFD incrementally change at the samerate and values match the G5 ADI. Verify the heading bugs move at the same rate on both the G5 and G3X PFD5. Rotate G3X PFD knob that has been configured for controlling the altitude bug and verify thebugs move, values match and incrementally change at the same rate on both the G5 and G3XPFD altitude tape.6. Press the G5 knob then rotate to highlight “Altitude”, press the knob to make selection and rotateto adjust: Verify the altitude bugs move, values match and incrementally change at the same rateon both the G5 ADI and G3X PFD altitude tape.7. Rotate G3X PFD knob that has been configured for controlling “Baro” and verify the barometricpressure and pressure altitude values incrementally change at the same rate and values matchon both the G5 ADI and G3X PFD. Verify the “Baro” field on the G5 changes to a cyan color and the digits change to blackcolor but revert to black field with cyan digits, once the knob is no longer rotated.8. Rotate G5 ADI knob and verify the barometric pressure and pressure altitude valuesincrementally change at the same rate and values match on both the G5 ADI and G3X PFD. Verify the “Baro” field on the G3X PFD changes to a cyan color and the digits change toblack color but revert to light background with cyan digits, once the knob is no longerrotated.8.16 EMI / RFI CheckAn EMC check must be conducted once the G3X Touch system is installed and all interfaces to externalequipment are verified to be working correctly. The EMC check verifies that the G3X system is notproducing unacceptable interference in other avionics systems and other avionics systems are notproducing unacceptable interference in the G3X system. Table 8-4 below should be used to collect datafor this check.1. Enter equipment installed in the aircraft into the Source row and Victim column of the form.2. Apply power to all avionics systems except for the components that are part of the G3X system.3. Verify all existing avionics systems are functioning properly.4. Apply power to the G3X system.5. Remove power from all other avionics systems.NOTEWait for the current system start up sequence to finish before applying power to the next system.6. Apply power and/or operate the systems listed on the fillable form on Table 8-4, one system at atime. Make sure to pull/push circuit breakers or turn on/off large loads, e.g. heaters, cycling flaps(if electrical) etc.7. Verify the G3X system functions properly and no related messages are displayed.