28ReferenceSonar Tab Settings• Temperature Graph — toggles On or Off the display of a temperature graph on the Sonar Page (ifequipped with GSD 20 Sonar Module).• Background Color (Color Models Only)— allows you to change the background color of thesonar display and map/sonar split. Choices are Black, Blue, or White.• Calibrate Water Speed (Soft Key)— this is only available if you are using a speed-capabletransducer/sensor. Calibration is required to ensure that the Water Speed displayed on your unitwill be accurate. The unit will automatically use the GPS ground speed, if it is available, for com-parison on the calibration. If a GPS ground speed is not available, use either your boat’s speedom-eter reading (not always accurate) or a stopwatch to determine your speed over a certain distance(distance / time = speed). It is recommended that the calibration take place in water having little orno current.To calibrate the water speed:1. From the ‘Sonar’ tab, press the ‘Cal Water Spd’ SOFT KEY.2. Bring the boat to a cruising speed. Both the top ground and uncalibrated water speeds will be shown atthe bottom of the calibration window. Note your top speed, then stop the boat and press ENTER/MARK.3. By default, the top ground speed will automatically show in the ‘What was your top water speed?’ field. Ifa ground speed is not available, the top uncalibrated water speed will be used instead. If the new speed iscorrect, highlight ‘OK’ and press ENTER/MARK. If you wish to manually enter a calibration, press ENTER/MARK on the speed field, enter a new speed and press ENTER/MARK.4. You may also press the SOFT KEY labeled ‘Use GPS Spd’ to default back to ground speed or ‘Use No Cal’to use the speed sensor’s uncalibrated speed.• Defaults— restores Sonar Tab only settings to original factory setup.Using the Adjustment MenuThe Adjustment Menu allows direct access to the settings and features most commonly used on theSonar Page. There are 10 main adjustment options available: Range, Zoom, View, Gain, Target Level,Whiteline, Frequency, Depth Line, Noise Reject and Scroll. All adjustments may be made by using eitherthe SOFT KEYS, ARROW KEYPAD or DATA ENTRY KEYS. The SOFT KEYS allow for easy to useoperations while the ARROW KEYPAD and DATA ENTRY KEYS are handy shortcuts, once you becomefamiliar with the unit’s operation. The currently selected option will appear in the upper left of the displayCalibrating the Speed Sensor. An error messagewill appear if the boat is not moving or if there isa problem with the speed sensor.Sonar Page with Adjustment Menu