57Referencemay be limited by your geographic location in relation to those satellites, now in developmental service.WAAS satellite signal reception requires an absolute clear view of the sky and works best when there areno nearby obstructions such as buildings, mountains, etc. WAAS satellites will be numbered 33 or higherwhen viewing the sky view on your GPSMAP 2006/2010. Initial reception of the WAAS signal may takeup to 15-20 minutes, then 1-2 minutes afterwards. When WAAS differential correction has been receivedfor GPS satellites (numbers 32 or below), ‘2D or 3D Differential’ will appear in the receiver status. To learnmore about the WAAS system, its satellite positions, and current state of development, visit the FAA website (http://gps.faa.gov).Receiver Status, Accuracy and DOPReceiver status is indicated at the top field of the page, with the current Accuracy, Dilution Of Precision(DOP), and, if equipped with an optional Differential Beacon receiver, Beacon SNR (Signal Noise Ratio)above the sky view. DOP is an indication of satellite geometry quality measured on a scale of one to ten(lowest numbers the best, highest numbers the poorest). Accuracy uses DOP and other factors to calculatehorizontal position accuracy in feet or meters. The status field will show one of the following conditions:• Waiting for GPS Antenna— the GPS receiver is looking for and collecting data from satellites visibleat its last known or initialized position, but has not collected enough data to calculate a fix or a GPSreceiver is not connected.• Ready (2D)— at least three satellites with good geometry have been acquired and a 2 dimensionalposition fix (latitude and longitude) is being calculated. ‘2D Differential’ will appear when you arereceiving DGPS corrections in 2D mode.• Ready (3D)— at least four satellites with good geometry have been acquired and your position isnow being calculated in latitude, longitude and altitude. ‘3D Differential’ will appear when you arereceiving DGPS corrections in 3D mode.• Lost Position from GPS Antenna— the GPS receiver is no longer tracking enough satellites for a 2Dor 3D fix or connection has been lost between the GPS receiver and the 2006/2010.• Simulating— the 2006/2010 is in simulator mode.• GPS Antenna is Simulating— the 2006/2010 is receiving simulated NMEA input information.The Differential Receiver status will show one of the following:Main Menu: GPS Info TabSince the 2006/2010 can receive position information from anon-Garmin NMEA source, it is possible to have a ‘“Ready(2D) or (3D)” status with no satellite data.