25The GPSMAP Highway Page provides a large character display of navigationdata and graphic steering guidance to an active waypoint via a highwaydisplay. The active destination waypoint is displayed at the top of the screen,with the ETE (estimated time enroute) and ETA (estimated time of arrival)based on your present speed and course at the bottom.The distance and bearing to the destination waypoint, along with your pre-sent speed and course over ground (SOG and COG) are shown along the righthand side. The SOG and COG fields may also be changed to display yourvelocity made good and turn value (VMG and TRN).To display VMG and TRN:1. Press the f key. To return the display to SOG and COG, press f again.The last two fields on the Highway Page are the position and date/timefields. The position field displays your present GPS position or a simulatormode position you have entered manually. The date/time field displays theThe SIGNS OFF softkey allows you to remove thewaypoint name markers which appear on thegraphic highway display.Whenever your GPSMAP is in simulator mode, aSOG/COG softkey will appear in the softkeymenu. Use the SOG/COG softkey to set the speedand course for your simulated trip (see pg. 9-10).Once you are in the SOG/COG window, you canalso set a simulator position graphically by press-ing the SET POSN softkey and following the stepsoutlined on page 16.SECTION3Distance,Bearing, Speed& CourseFieldsPosition &Time/DateFieldsActiveDestinationHighwayDisplayETE & ETAFieldsSimulator Speed &Course SoftkeyHIGHWAY PAGEOverviewRemove Waypoint NameMarkers Softkey