38All of the GPSMAP route functions are accessed through the ROUTESsoftkey, located at the far left of the softkey menu.To create a route from the map display:1. Press the ROUTES softkey to display the route list window.2. Use the u keypad to select an empty storage route (routes 1-19) and press theg key. You can create a route in the active route (Route 0) position, but you’llneed to copy it to an empty storage route to save it, as it will be overwritten bythe next route activation.3. The route list window will be replaced by the Map Page, with the target cursorappearing as an arrow pointer. To add waypoints to the route, use the u key-pad to move the arrow cursor to the desired position and press the g key.HINT: Once the map display is in route creation mode, you can use the arrowcursor to ‘snap to’ existing on-screen waypoints or navaids, or create newwaypoint positions. Existing waypoint positions will be added to the route withoutconfirmation. Whenever you are adding a new route waypoint not currentlystored in memory, you’ll be asked to save the new waypoint.4. Press g to confirm the ‘OK’ prompt.5. Once you’ve entered all the desired route waypoints, press the EXIT softkey.The map display will now return to the map review mode, where youcan review, activate, invert or modify the current on-screen route. The reviewmode will always appear when you have finished creating a new route onthe map display or when you have selected an existing route for review fromthe route list window.SECTION8 ROUTESCreating RoutesGraphically