Creating and Using RoutesThe GPSMAP 276C allows you to create and store up to 50reversible routes, with up to 300 points each.Creating a New RouteUse the Route tab to create a route by selecting waypoints from theFind Menu, or by selecting waypoints or map items from the MapPage.To create a route using the Find Menu:1. Highlight the Route tab on the Main Menu.Route Tab with the Route List2. Press MENU to open the Route options menu.3. Highlight New Route, and press ENTER.4. Press ENTER to find items to add to the route.5. Highlight OK, and press ENTER to add a route point.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to define additional route points.To create a route using the map:1. Highlight the Route tab on the Main Menu.2. Press MENU to open the Route options menu.3. Highlight New Route, and press ENTER.Creating a new route on Route Review Page4. Highlight Edit on Map, and press ENTER.5. Highlight a location on the map, and press ENTER.6. Repeat step 5 to define additional route points.NOTE: If you select an area of the map that is not a feature ora waypoint, a new waypoint is created for that location. PressENTER on the New Waypoint Page to save the location as awaypoint and continue adding points to your route. You can editthe properties of this waypoint as you can with any waypoint.20 GPSMAP 276C Owner’s ManualMArIne Mode > creAtIng And usIng routes