avIatIon30 GPSMAP 496 Owner's ManualAvIAtIon Mode PAges > MAP PAgePanning the MapThe panning arrow allows you to pan the map to show other mapareas. As you pan past the edge of the current map, the screen movesto provide continuous map coverage.To pan the map:Press up, down, right, or left on the ROCKER. The panningarrow moves the map so you can view different parts of themap.Panning the MapMap featurehighlightedPanning Arrowdata wndow:Shows the dstanceand bearing fromyour presentlocation, feature’selevation, time tothe feature, andarrow’s locatoncoordnates.As you move the arrow, the distance and bearing from your presentlocation to the arrow is shown in the data window, along with thearrow’s location coordinates. When you zoom in pan mode, thearrow stays centered on the screen. When the arrow is stationary,fixed coordinates appear in the location field, and the distance andbearing from your present location update as you move.To re-center your location on-screen:1. When you are finished panning the Map, press QUIT.2. The map automatically moves to show your present location,and the unit returns to location mode.The arrow can also be used to select on-screen map items, allowingyou to review a selected item directly from the map screen.To view details about an on-screen point:1. Use the ROCKER to move the arrow to the waypoint or mapitem you want. If there are several items grouped closelytogether, zoom in closer for a better view.When a waypoint or map item is selected, it is highlighted onscreen with the name and location shown at the top of thescreen, along with the distance and bearing from your currentlocation, as shown in the image to the left.2. Press ENTER to view more information about the point. Theinformation and on-screen buttons shown vary based on thetype of item selected. In some cases, additional informationtabs appear at the top of the Information Page or WaypointPage.3. Use the ROCKER to highlight the extra tabs and view theinformation.4. Select an on-screen button, and press ENTER.5. Press QUIT to exit the Information Page.