3-17190-01182-00 Rev. A Garmin GTR 225/225A/225B Pilot’s Guide3.5 TimersThe GTR 225 has both Count Up and Count Down timers, which mayoperate simultaneously and are shown in the lower right of the Com displays.The countdown timer always takes precedence if it is running.3.5.1 Setting Up the Count Down Timer1. Press FUNC to access the Functions. Turn the LARGE knobto select the Timer (TMR) function. Turn the SMALL knob toselect either the Count Down Timer function. Now, press theENT key.Select Count Down TimerFigure 3-29 Select the Count Down Timer Function2. Press the ENT key to Start or Stop the timer. Press the CLR keyto reset the timer to the starting value. Press the CURSOR knobto select a starting timer value.Press ENT to Startor Stop the TimerPush the CURSOR(SMALL Knob) to Edit theStarting Time ValuePress CLR to Reset the Timerto the Default ValueThe Default (Starting) ValueFigure 3-30 Selecting the Count Down Timer3. Turn the SMALL knob to select the timer value and turn theLARGE knob to move the cursor. After completing the timesetting, press the ENT key. Press ENT again to start the timer.Press ENT to Acceptthe Selected ValuePress CLR to Returnto the Default ValueTurn Small Knob To Select Time ValueTurn LARGE Knob To Move CursorFigure 3-31 Setting the Count Down Timer Value