13190-00587-02 Rev. E Garmin GTS Trafflc Systems5.5 Landing Gear PositionLanding gear position for retractable gear aircraft is interfaced to the GTSsystem. Landing gear position may be used to mute traffic advisory audio, adjustthe sensitivity of traffic alerts, or compensate a bottom directional antenna.5.6 Radar AltimeterA radar altimeter may be optionally interfaced to the GTS system. Radaraltimeter height may be used to mute traffic advisory audio, adjust the sensitivityof traffic alerts, or filter out traffic targets that are on/near the ground.For GTS 800, GTS 820, and GTS 850 systems using SW v4.12 or later, orGTS 825 and GTS 855 systems using SW v3.12 or later, the GTS will continueto function if the system detects a radar altimeter failure.5.7 GPSGPS is an optional interface to the GTS system that can provide position,groundspeed, and altitude (GPS-calculated). GPS input may be used to enableseveral functions, including ADS-B In, automatic air/ground determination, orcalculated height above ground.5.8 Magnetic HeadingMagnetic heading is an optional interface to the GTS system. Magneticheading may be used to correct the bearing of traffic targets during turns, and italso aids the ADS-B In function. Magnetic heading interfaces are available fromanalog gyro systems or digital AHRS.5.9 Air/Ground SwitchAn air/ground switch (e.g. squat or airspeed switch) is an optional interfaceto the GTS system which may be used for automatic air/ground determination.5.10 Control SwitchesThe GTS system supports external switches for selecting the operating mode(operate/standby), initiating a self-test, or canceling/muting traffic advisories.Use of external switches is required with certain traffic displays that do notinclude integrated controls. External switches, when installed, are a momentarypushbutton type.