15190-00587-02 Rev. E Garmin GTS Trafflc Systems6.2 Traffic InformationThe function of the GTS Traffic System is to provide information regardingnearby traffic to the crew. For each traffic target that is tracked by the GTS, thesystem computes the bearing, range, relative altitude, and vertical trend for thetarget. Relative altitude and vertical trend are available for targets with altitudereporting capability. When ADS-B data is received for a traffic target, additionalinformation is available such as directionality, ground track, and other identifyinginformation (ICAO address, flight ID, tail number). Traffic information may beavailable from several sources such as active surveillance, ADS-B, ADS-R, andTIS-B. The GTS correlates data from multiple sources to create a single, fusedtraffic picture for the flight crew. This traffic information is displayed to thecrew on an interfaced display. See the display device Pilot Guide for the displaycapabilities and symbology (Table 3) used on that display. Figure 9 shows anexample traffic display showing range, bearing, relative altitude, and verticaltrend. Figure 10 shows an example traffic display capable of showing additionaldata received via ADS-B.Intruder Altitudeand Vertical TrendFigure 9 Example Traffic Display