190-01499-02 GTX 3X5 Transponder TSO Installation ManualRev. 4 Page 6-6RS-232 - CHANNEL 1 THROUGH CHANNEL 3Sets the input and output format for channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, and channel 4 of RS-232 interfaces.Refer to appendix A for data format information.Table 6-1 RS-232 Channel 1 through Channel 3 SelectionsInput/Output Selection Description UnitApplicability NotesInput/Output Off No information is received or transmitted. AllInput/Output XPDR FMT 1 Supports transponder interface to GX000. AllInput/Output XPDR FMT 2 Supports transponder interface and TIS-Atraffic to GX000. GTX 335 onlyInput or Output ADS-B+ FMT 1 Receives or transmits necessary ADS-BGPS data at 9600 baud. All [1]Input or Output ADS-B+ FMT 2 Receives or transmits necessary ADS-BGPS data at 38400 baud. All [1]Input/Output REMOTE FMT 1 Supports transponder interface to GTNand GNS 480 (CNX80). AllInput/Output REMOTE FMT 2 Supports transponder interface and TIStraffic to GTN and GNS 480 (CNX80) GTX 335 onlyInput/Output GDL Supports GDL 88 interface All [2]Input/Output GNSSupports GNS 400W/500W Series ADS-B In weather. Traffic is supported overARINC 429. Supplies GPS data.GTX 345 onlyInput/Output CONNEXT FMT 1 Supports G3X for ADS-B In weather andtraffic. GTX 345 onlyInput CONNEXT FMT 3 Supports input from a Flight Stream 110/210. GTX 345 onlyInput ALT FMT 1 25ft Supports Sandia/Icarus/ACK altitudeformat with 25 ft or lower encoding. AllInput ALT FMT 1 100ftSupports Sandia/Icarus/ACK altitudeformat with a parallel Gray source or 100ft encoding.AllInput ALT FMT 3 25ft Supports Shadin altitude format with 25 ftor lower encoding. AllInput ALT FMT 3 100ftSupports Shadin altitude format with aparallel Gray code source or 100 ftencoding.AllInput ADC FMT 1 Supports Shadin G/S/Z ADC formats. AllInput/Output LGCY REMOTE 1 Supports transponder interface and TIS-Atraffic to legacy G1000. AllInput/Output LGCY REMOTE 2 Supports transponder interface and TIS-Atraffic to legacy G1000. GTX 335 only