Page 5-8 GTX 327 Installation ManualRevision K 190-00187-025.2.5 RS-232 INPUT/OUTPUT PageThis is the electrical source for the GTX 327 altitude andGPS data input. Refer to paragraph 4.2.3 for altimeter dataselection priority.RS-232 INPUT (Altitude Source, GPS Data)SELECTION DESCRIPTIONOFF DEFAULT. The altitude code input is not from an RS-232 source.GPS RS-232 ground speed from a GPS device.ICARUS ALT RS-232 serial altitude from an Icarus Instruments 3000.ADC NO ALT RS-232 serial air data information from Shadin ADC 200, 200+, 2000.ADC W/ALT RS-232 serial air data information from Shadin ADC 200, 200+, 2000 plusaltitude data.SHADIN ALT RS-232 serial altitude from Shadin 8800T, 9000T, 9200T.FADC NO ALT RS-232 serial air data from Shadin 9628XX-X family of Air DataComputers and Fuel/Air Data Computers.FADC W/ALT RS-232 serial air data from Shadin 9628XX-X family of Air DataComputers and Fuel/Air Data Computers plus altitude data.REMOTE RS-232 serial input remote data. Reserved for future use.RS-232 OUTPUT (Altitude Out)SELECTION DESCRIPTIONOFF No RS-232 output from this channel.ICARUS ALT DEFAULT. RS-232 serial altitude from an Icarus Instruments 3000.REMOTE RS-232 serial output remote data. Reserved for future use.RS-232 INPUT/OUTPUT Page