Page 5-10 GTX 327 Installation ManualRevision K 190-00187- Second Configuration PageSQUAT SWITCHThe GTX 327 Flight Time may be based on the squat switch state. The squat switch field may be set toeither YES or NO. (Default NO). If YES, sense may be set to HIGH or LOW. If set to NO, airbornestatus for auto standby and flight timer features will be determined by input data. The highest priority isGPS groundspeed. The next is serial port ADC input followed by pressure altitude change, if no otherRS-232 source is available.SENSE (Squat Switch Sense)This field can only be entered if the AIRBORNE SOURCE selection is YES.Selection DescriptionLOW DEFAULT. The installed squat switch or airspeed switch is low(grounded) when the aircraft is on the ground, and open when airborne.HIGH The installed squat switch or airspeed switch is open when the aircraft ison the ground, and low (grounded) when airborne.AUTO STANDBY?Selection DescriptionOFF Selection of STBY (standby) and ALT (altitude-reporting) modes isinitiated manually by the pilot.ON DEFAULT. The GTX 327 will automatically transition from STBY toALT when the unit determines the aircraft has become airborne. Whenthe unit determines the aircraft has been on the ground ("ground-borne")for the configured delay time (see "Delay Time", below), the unit willautomatically transition from ALT (or ON) to STBY.Delay TimeThis is the number of seconds the aircraft must be on the ground before the AUTO STBY featureautomatically switches the unit to STBY mode. Delay Time has a range of 0 (zero) to 99 seconds, and isset to 24 seconds at the factory. When the unit is configured with a SQUAT SWITCH, an additional air-state delay time (4.5 seconds for fixed-wing; 1 second for rotorcraft) is added to this user-configureddelay time for ground-borne determination.Second Configuration Page