Customizing Your Device32 Montana 600 Series Owner’s Manualrepresents your position on themap.• Map Information—allows you toenable or disable the maps currentlyloaded on the device. To purchaseadditional maps, see page 9.• Map Speed—??Camera SettingsSelect > Setup > Camera.• Photo Resolution—changes theresolution of the pictures you willtake.• Save Photos To—allows you toselect the storage location.• Review Instructions—brieflydisplays the photo immediatelyafter it is captured.Tracks SettingsSelect > Setup > Tracks.• Track Log—turns track recordingon or off.• Record Method—selects atrack recording method. SelectDistance, Time, or Auto. If yourrecord method is time or distance,enter the specific time or distanceinterval. Select Auto to record thetracks at a variable rate to createan optimum representation of yourtracks.• Interval—selects a track logrecording rate. Recording pointsmore frequently creates a more-detailed track, but fills the track logfaster.• Auto Archive—selects anautomatic archive method toorganize your tracks. Tracks aresaved and cleared automaticallybased on the user setting.• Color—changes the color of thetrack line on the map.