nüvifoneG60QuickStartManualMaP DaTa inFOrMaTiOn: Oneof the goals of Garmin and ASUS isto provide customers with the mostcomplete and accurate cartography thatis available to us at a reasonable cost. Weuse a combination of governmental andprivate data sources, which we identifyin product literature and copyrightmessages displayed to the consumer.Virtually all data sources contain someinaccurate or incomplete data. In somecountries, complete and accurate mapinformation is either not available or isprohibitively expensive.nOTiCE rEgarDingWinDSHiELD MOUnTing LEgaLrESTriCTiOnS: Before using thesuction cup mount on your windshield,check the state and local laws andordinances where you drive. Somestate laws prohibit drivers from usingsuction mounts on their windshieldswhile operating motor vehicles. Otherstate laws allow the suction mount tobe located only in specific locationson the windshield. Many other stateshave enacted restrictions againstplacing “non-transparent material”on the windshield or placing objectson the windshield in locations thatobstruct the driver’s vision. iT iS THEUSEr’S rESPOnSiBiLiTy TOUSE THE garMin-aSUS DEViCEanD MOUnTing OPTiOnS inSUCH a MannEr THaT THEUSEr iS in COMPLianCE WiTHaLL aPPLiCaBLE LaWS anDOrDinanCES. Where required, otherGarmin-Asus dashboard or frictionmount options should be used to complywith state and local laws and ordinances.Always mount your Garmin-Asus devicein a location that does not obstruct thedriver’s view of the road. Garmin andASUS do not assume any responsibilityfor any fines, penalties, or damagesthat may be incurred as a result ofdisregarding this notice or as a resultof any state or local law or ordinancerelating to the use of your Garmin-Asusdevice.