0 nüvifoneG60QuickStartManualwith non Garmin-Asus products; (iv)damage caused by accident, abuse,misuse, water, flood, fire, or other actsof nature or external causes; (v) damagecaused by service performed by anyonewho is not an authorized service providerof Garmin or Asus; or (iv) damage to aproduct that has been modified or alteredwithout the written permission of Garminor Asus.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,THE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIESCONTAINED HEREIN AREEXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALLOTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHERORAL, WRITTEN, EXPRESS,IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY,INCLUDING, WITHOUTLIMITATION, ANY LIABILITYARISING UNDER ANY WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY ORFITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALLGARMIN OR ASUS BE LIABLEFOR ANY DIRECT, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,WHETHER RESULTING FROM THEUSE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TOUSE THIS PRODUCT OR FROMDEFECTS IN THE PRODUCTOR FROM ANY BREACH OFWARRANTY OR OTHER LEGALTHEORY.Some states, provinces or countries donot allow the exclusion of incidental orconsequential damages, so the abovelimitations may not apply to you. Thiswarranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rightsthat vary by country, state or province.This limited warranty is governed byand construed under the laws of thecountry in which the product purchasetook place. If any term is held to beillegal or unenforceable, the legality orenforceability of the remaining termsshall remain valid and shall not beaffected.