Going To a WaypointOnce you’ve stored a waypoint in memory, you can usethe GPS 45XL to guide you to it by performing a simpleGOTO. A GOTO is really nothing more than the receiverdrawing a straight-line course from your present position tothe destination you’ve selected. To see how it works, let’stry navigating back to our starting position, the HOMEwaypoint.To select a GOTO destination:1. Press the G key.2. The GOTO waypoint page will appear, displaying all thewaypoints in memory in alphabetical order.3. Use U or D to highlight the ‘HOME’ waypoint.4. Press the E key to confirm that you want to navigateto the displayed waypoint.The GPS 45XL’s highway page also provides graphicsteering guidance to a destination, with an emphasis on astraight line course to the desired waypoint and the dis-tance and direction you are off course. The bearing and dis-tance to a waypoint, along with your current track andspeed are displayed at the top of the screen, with your esti-mated time enroute (ETE) and velocity made good (VMG),or the rate you are closing in on your destination shown atthe bottom.Getting StartedGOTO/Highway Page13The GOTOwaypoint pageallows you to select yourdestination from a list of allavailable waypoints in theGPS 45XL’s memory.Once a GOTO is activated,the highway page willappear to provide steeringguidance to your destina-tion. To cancel a GOTO,highlight the cancel promptat the bottom of the pageand press ENTER.Distance toWaypointTrack OverGroundBearing toWaypointEstimatedTime EnrouteVelocityMade GoodSpeed OverGroundUsing the Highway Page