Waypoint Definition PageThe last of the three waypoint management pages is thewaypoint definition page. This page lets you create newwaypoints manually, or review and edit existing waypoints.To create a new waypoint manually, you’ll need to knowits position coordinates or its distance and bearing from anexisting waypoint.To create a waypoint by entering coordinates:1. If a waypoint is currently displayed in the name field, high-light ‘NEW?’ and press E. Then press the L key toclear the name field.2. If a waypoint is not displayed, move the cursor to the namefield and enter the new waypoint’s name.3. Use U and D to enter your waypoint name and useL and R to move to the next character position.4. Press E to confirm the waypoint name. The positionfield will now become highlighted, with the receiver’s lastknown position shown, if one exists.5. Press E to begin entry of the position.6. Use the U and D keys to enter your position, and usethe L and R keys to move to each character field.7. Press E to confirm and save your coordinates. Thedefault waypoint comment (UTC date and time of creation)will appear, and the highlight will move to ‘DONE?’.8. Press the E key to return to the menu page.24ReferenceCreating &UsingWaypointsWaypointDefinition PageUse the waypoint definitionpage to review, rename ordelete stored waypoints andto create new waypointsmanually.After selecting ,entry of a‘NEW’ waypoint, an emptywaypoint screen will appear.Note: you must enter aname for the waypoint orthe highlight will notadvance to the next field.The name may be either anexisting waypoint or a newname entered manually.WaypointNameReferenceWaypoint Distance fromReferenceWaypointPositionCoordinatesBearing fromReferenceWaypointFunction Prompts