indeXzūmo 500/550 Owner’s Manual 5indeXSymbols2-D, 3-D map view 41AAbout button 42accessories 53address 11add a stop 9alerts, safety camera 55antennas 30, 33, 53, 58anti-theft feature 10, 42audiojacks 3, 50, 54options 49version 42avoidingroad types 47traffic 47Bbattery 57, 60Bluetooth technology 23–29PIN 24settings 45–48brightness 2, 47browsing the map 18Ccalibrating the touch screen 52calling home 28call history 28call waiting 26caring for your zūmo 58car installation 50charging the zūmo 52clearing user data 48Compass page 22, 47computer connection 35contact Garmin icoordinates 19, 20current location, saving 15customizing your zūmo 41–48Custom POIs 55Ddata storage drives 35, 60daylight saving 43Declaration of Conformity ivdeletingall user data 48character 13custom POIs 56Favorites 16, 17files 37detail maps 41detours 10diacritical characters 13display settings 47drives, Garmin 36driving directions 22Eediting saved places 15EGNOS 42ejecting the USB 37elevation 20ending a call 25expanding your search 19Extras 54–55FFavorites 14editing 15finding 15saving 14sharing 14FCC compliance ivfilesdeleting 37managing 35, 43supported types 37transferring 35–37finding placesby address 11by coordinates 19by name 13by postal code 11intersection 11item on the map 18near another location 19saved places (Favorites) 15FM traffic 32fuel gauge 21fuse, changing products internet store