SETTmNGCONTACT REVERSEFUNCTmONLimit Switch and [orce Adjustments _/ust be completedbefore checking the contact reversetunction (Figure A,S).A Opengaragedoor usingWalIConsole.B Laya 2"x 4"board flat in centerof doorway.C CIosedoorusingWalIConsob,D Checkthatdoor stopsand reverseswithin 2 secondsafter itcontactsboard:If door doesnot reverse,decreaseCloseForceuntil door reverses.If door still doesnot reverse,moveCLOSELimit Switchtoward door.E CheckSafe-T-Beam®Systemoperation: /If beamisblocked,door will _.._ 2" X 4" boardnotdose, / _ [aidfiatFigure A-S Checking Contact ReverseThe door must contact the 2" x 4" board before theCarriageactivatesthe CloseLimit Switch. if not, readjustthe Cbse Limit Switch.f Transmitter Complance StatementTransmitters compUy with ai United States and Canadian UegaUrequirementsas of the date of manufacture. No warranty is made that they compUywith alUegaUrequirements of any other jurisdiction If transmitters are to be used inanother country, the importer must determine compliance with any UocalUawsand reguBtions which may differ from United States and Canadianrequirements prior to use,Lostransmisores cumpbn con todas masregbmentaciones legales de losEstadosUnidos y del Canada, en la fecha de fabricaci6n, Ninguna garantiase da que cumplan con todas as reglamentadones legales de ninguna otrajudsdicci6n. Si los transmisores se van a uttizar en otro pais, el importadordebe determinar si cumplen con las reglamentaciones y meyeslocales quepuedan set diferentes alas reglamentaciones de los Estados Unidos y de[Canada, antes de usar los mismos.Les#metteurs sont conformes _ la r#glementation am#ricaine et canadiennecompter de bur date de fabrication. Aucune garantie n'est stipul@i ndiquant qu'ils sont conformes £ toutes les prescriptions juridiques d'autresautorit#s.Si les emetteurs sont utlises dans d'autres pays, t incombeI'importateur d'en d#terminer leur conformit# aux lois et r_gmeslocalespouvant diff#rer de celes des Etats-Unis et du Canada avant routeutilsation desdits #metteurs,Sendeger£te entsprechen allen gesetzlchen Bestimmungen in den USA undKanada zum Zeitpunkt der Herstelung.Wir ubernehmen keineGew£hrbistung for die Einhamtungaler gesetzlchen Bestimmungen inanderen Landern.Solen Sendegerate in anderen L£ndern eingesetzt werden,so muss der Importeur vor dem Gebrauch sicherstelen, dass die Sendeger£teauch solchen Iokalen Bestimmungen entsprechen, welche yon denBestimmungen der USA und Kanadas abweichen,£%AnlEql! n@_t _lqq lqOtl_,t _t@ I_@ t711tot 1£ 1¥_,t!t_401 o X [E_-O xtOlACCESSORIESPIOGIAIIIIINGTHE_EMOTE CONTIOLS, EachRemoteControl must be programmedseparately., The RemoteControlswill not causethe doorOpenerto closethe garagedoor if the Safe-T-Beam¢_Systemismaltunctioning., When programming the RemoteControls,theymust be at east 24 from the AntennaWire., if the red Learn Indicator Light blinksapproximately 4 times per second,programming hasstopped. If programminghasstopped,repeat the above steps., EachButton on a 2 or 3 Button RemoteControlisfor a different Opener.Youcannot use morethan one Button per Remote,per Opener., A maximum of seven RemoteControlsorWireless Keypadscan be stored into the.Receiverat one time. If a RemoteControlbecomes lost,or if you want to delete a RemoteControl or WirelessKeypad,see To EraseAllReceiverMemory."A To program one Button of a RemoteControl (Figure _A-I):Locate Learn Button and Learn Indicator Lighton back side of Power Head under the Lens(Figure MA-2).Pressand release _earn Button. Red LearnIndicator Light will blink 2 times per second.PressRemote Control Button once within 30seconds. Red Learn Indicator Light will stay lit.PressRemote Control Button again. Red LearnIndicator Light will go out, indicating thatmemory is stored.I Programeach additional Remoteusing step g above(up to sevenremotes).ziWAILING:_g garagedoormaycauseseriousinjury o_death,• Keeppeopleclearof openingwhile door ismoving,° Do not a/ow childrento piaywith the RemoteControls,If the SafetyReversedoes not work properly:• Closethe doorand disconnectthe Openerusingthe EmergencyReleaseCord.° Do not usethe door Opener.RemoteControB.orWirelessKeypad.Manualsbeforeattemptinganyrepars.8 For Help, call 1-800-35-GENIE or visit