April 2018 Service and Repair ManualOperator's CompartmentPart No. 1287209GT GTH-636 272-1Operator's CompartmentHow to Remove the Operator'sCompartmentThe operator's compartment is used to activatemachine functions while sitting in the operator'sdrivers seat.Within the operator's compartment there is atransmission column shifter, steering selector,4-way controller, accelerator pedal, brake pedaland a differential lock switch. All of thesecomponents are replaceable.For further information or assistance, consult theGenie Product Support.Bodily injury hazard. Thisprocedure requires specific repairskills, lifting equipment and asuitable workshop. Attemptingthis procedure without these skillsand tools could result in death orserious injury and significantcomponent damage. Dealerservice is strongly recommended.1 Disconnect the battery from the machine.Electrocution/burn hazard.Contact with electrically chargedcircuits could result in death orserious injury. Remove all rings,watches and other jewelry.2 Locate the secondary function manifold underthe manifold inspection cover. Tag, disconnectand plug the hydraulic hoses at ports BP andBT of the secondary function manifold. Capthe fittings.3 Locate the brake manifold under the manifoldinspection cover. Tag, disconnect and plug thehydraulic hose at the underside of the brakemanifold. Cap the fitting.4 Working under the dashboard, locate thehydraulic hose at port L of the steering orbitral.5 Working at the front axle, locate the hydraulichose connected to the front axle steer cylinderat the operator's compartment side of themachine. Tag, disconnect and plug thehydraulic hose. Cap the fitting.6 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hosesat ports SUP, SUR and SUT of the secondaryfunction manifold. Cap the fitting.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.7 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose atport JP of the secondary function manifold.Cap the fitting.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.8 Remove the fasteners securing the joystickmount to the operator's compartment.Disconnect the joystick harness and theremove the joystick assembly.9 Working inside the chassis, tag anddisconnect the wire harnesses at theconnectors next to the operator'scompartment.