REV A4 - 44 Genie TZ-50/30 Part No. 84577November 2004Section 4 • Repair Procedures12-1Outrigger ComponentsHow to Remove an OutriggerOutriggers are essential to safe machine operationand machine stability. Operating a machine with adamaged or improperly operating outrigger willresult in death or serious injury.Perform this procedure with themachine disconnected from thetow vehicle and the parking brakeapplied.Perform this procedure with theoutriggers in the stowed position.1 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity from anoverhead crane to the pad end of the outrigger.Do not apply any lifting pressure.2 Tag and disconnect the wire harness from theoutrigger valve coil.3 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses atthe outrigger cylinder. Cap the fittings.4 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from theoutrigger pivot pin. Do not remove the pin.5 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from theoutrigger cylinder rod end pivot pin.6 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity from anoverhead crane to the rod end of the outriggercylinder. Support the cylinder. Do not apply anylifting pressure.7 Place a wooden block under the cylinder.8 Lower the outrigger enough to remove theoutrigger cylinder rod end pivot pin.9 Using a soft metal drift, remove the outriggercylinder rod end pivot pin.Crushing hazard. The cylindercould fall if not properly supportedwhen the pivot pin is removed fromthe machine.10 Using a soft metal drift, remove the outriggerpivot pin. Remove the outrigger from themachine.Crushing hazard. The outrigger willfall if not properly supported whenthe pivot pin is removed from themachine.Outriggers