X350 3D-Printer Quick Start GuideSeite: 11/29Stand: 2016/03/24 13:55© German RepRap GmbH 11/29In order to lead the filament into the extruder, take the following steps:Heat up the extruder manually using the control panel: Press the button → “Extruder” → “Temp.1”lWait until the Extruder has reached the target temperaturelIn the menu, select: “Position” → “Extr. Position”lAfter activating the menu point, turn the control wheel clockwise in order to pull in or lead thelfilament, and counter-clockwise to eject the filamentWhen you are done, please turn off the extruder heatinglThrough the networkHeat up the Hot-End through the web interface. Once the target temperature is reached, you can leadthe inserted filament via the web interface manually, until it exits the nozzle. Afterwards, turn off theextruder heating.If the extruder doesn't properly lead the filament, you can adjust the contact pressure on the filamentusing the adjusting wheel at the extruder. Depending on the material it may be necessary to adjustthe contact pressure to the material in order to achieve a flawless leading of the filament. To do that,turn the adjusting wheel at the extruder.Adjusting wheel