Operating Your Computer 2-34Using the 3G Feature (Optional)3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology,after 2G. It is based on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)family of standards under the International Mobile Telecommunicationsprogramme, “IMT-2000”. Services include wide-area wireless voicetelephony and broadband wireless data, all in a mobile environment.Unlike IEEE 802.11 networks, 3G networks are wide area cellulartelephone networks which evolved to incorporate high-speed internetaccess and video telephony. IEEE 802.11 networks are short range,high-bandwidth networks primarily developed for data.To use the 3G feature on your computer, you need to subscribe to 3Gservice and install the 3G SIM card from your service provider, networkoperator, or other vendor.To install the SIM card, follow these steps:1. Make sure that the computer is not turned on or connected to ACpower.2. Open the media bay cover by sliding the release latch towards the left.