6-2 Installing Software DriversHow to Use the CDNOTES:• The drivers may have been updated after this manual was published. For driversupgrade, please contact your dealer.• You can always find the README or document files on the CD. These files containthe latest information from the software supplier. Please read the files together withthis chapter.• This CD supports Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows XP Tablet PCedition. Other systems are not supported.• The available items may differ according to your computer model and operatingsystem.• You are recommended to install Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or above if you areusing Windows 2000, and Windows XP Service Pack 1 or above if you are usingWindows XP.• Please do not remove the driver CD when installing the driver.A Setup program is provided on the driver CD. To run the program,simply insert the CD and the following screen will appear. In case theautorun function of your CD drive is not enabled, then click on “Start”,then “Run.” Specify the CD drive and choose autorun.exe.