44Step Command Remarks2. Enter DHCP address poolview. dhcp server ip-pool pool-name N/A3. Configure a self-definedDHCP option.option code { ascii ascii-string | hexhex-string | ip-addressip-address&<1-8> }By default, no self-defined DHCPoption is configured.Table 2 Common DHCP optionsOption Option name CorrespondingcommandRecommended optioncommand parameters3 Router Option gateway-list ip-address6 Domain Name Server Option dns-list ip-address15 Domain Name domain-name ascii44 NetBIOS over TCP/IP NameServer Option nbns-list ip-address46 NetBIOS over TCP/IP NodeType Option netbios-type hex66 TFTP server name tftp-server ascii67 Boot file name bootfile-name ascii43 Vendor Specific Information N/A hexEnabling DHCPYou must enable DHCP to validate other DHCP configurations.To enable DHCP:Step Command Remarks1. Enter system view. system-view N/A2. Enable DHCP. dhcp enable By default, DHCP is disabled.Enabling the DHCP server on an interfacePerform this task to enable the DHCP server on an interface. Upon receiving a DHCP request on theinterface, the DHCP server assigns an IP address and other configuration parameters from the DHCPaddress pool to the DHCP client.To enable the DHCP server on an interface:Step Command Remarks1. Enter system view. system-view N/A2. Enter interface view. interface interface-type interface-number N/A