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H3C MSR3600-28 manuals

MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. command reference
  2. obtaining documentation
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. display ip pool
  11. display ppp access-user
  12. display ppp compression iphc
  13. ip address ppp-negotiate
  14. ip pool gateway
  15. link-protocol ppp
  16. ppp accm
  17. ppp acfc local-request
  18. ppp authentication-mode
  19. ppp chap password
  20. ppp chap user
  21. ppp compression iphc enable
  22. ppp compression iphc tcp-connections
  23. ppp ipcp dns
  24. ppp ipcp dns admit-any
  25. ppp ipcp dns request
  26. ppp ip-pool route
  27. ppp lcp delay
  28. ppp lqm lcp-echo
  29. ppp pap local-user
  30. ppp pfc local-request
  31. ppp timer negotiate
  32. remote address dhcp client-identifier
  33. reset ppp compression iphc
  34. timer-hold retry
  35. reset ppp access-user
  36. bandwidth
  37. description
  38. display interface mp-group
  39. display interface virtual-access
  40. display interface virtual-template
  41. display ppp mp
  42. interface mp-group
  43. interface virtual-template
  44. ppp mp binding-mode
  45. ppp mp endpoint
  46. ppp mp fragment disable
  47. ppp mp lfi delay-per-frag
  48. ppp mp lfi size-per-frag
  49. ppp mp max-bind
  50. ppp mp min-bind
  51. ppp mp mp-group
  52. ppp mp short-sequence
  53. ppp mp timer lost-fragment
  54. ppp mp user
  55. ppp mp virtual-template
  56. reset counters interface mp-group
  57. service
  58. service standby
  59. shutdown
  60. display pppoe-server session packet
  61. display pppoe-server session summary
  62. display pppoe-server throttled-mac
  63. display pppoe-server va-pool
  64. ppp lcp echo mru verify
  65. pppoe-server access-delay
  66. pppoe-server access-line-id circuit-id parse-mode
  67. pppoe-server access-line-id circuit-id trans-format
  68. pppoe-server access-line-id content
  69. pppoe-server access-line-id remote-id trans-format
  70. pppoe-server access-line-id trust
  71. pppoe-server bind
  72. pppoe-server session-limit
  73. pppoe-server session-limit per-mac
  74. pppoe-server session-limit per-vlan
  75. pppoe-server session-limit total
  76. pppoe-server tag ac-name
  77. pppoe-server tag ppp-max-payload
  78. pppoe-server tag service-name
  79. pppoe-server throttle per-mac
  80. pppoe-server virtual-template va-pool
  81. reset pppoe-server
  82. dialer diagnose
  83. display pppoe-client session summary
  84. reset pppoe-client
  85. reset pppoe-client session packet
  86. allow l2tp
  87. default
  88. display interface virtual-ppp
  89. display l2tp session
  90. display l2tp session temporary
  91. display l2tp tunnel
  92. display l2tp va-pool
  93. l2tp enable
  94. l2tp virtual-template va-pool
  95. l2tp-auto-client
  96. l2tp-group
  97. mandatory-chap
  98. mandatory-lcp
  99. ppp access-control enable
  100. ppp lcp imsi accept
  101. ppp lcp imsi request
  102. ppp lcp sn accept
  103. ppp lcp sn string
  104. ppp user accept-format imsi-sn split
  105. ppp user replace
  106. reset counters interface virtual-ppp
  107. reset l2tp tunnel
  108. timer-hold
  109. tunnel avp-hidden
  110. tunnel flow-control
  111. tunnel name
  112. tunnel timer hello
  113. user
  114. link-protocol hdlc
  115. bundle load-balance
  116. bundle max-active links
  117. bundle min-active bandwidth
  118. display interface hdlc-bundle
  119. interface hdlc-bundle
  120. reset counters interface
  121. display isdn active-channel
  122. display isdn call-info
  123. display isdn call-record
  124. display isdn parameters
  125. display isdn spid
  126. isdn bch-local-manage
  127. isdn bch-select-way
  128. isdn bri-slipwnd-size
  129. isdn calling
  130. isdn carry calling-name
  131. isdn check-called-number
  132. isdn crlength
  133. isdn ignore hlc
  134. isdn ignore llc
  135. isdn ignore sending-complete
  136. isdn leased-line
  137. isdn number-property
  138. isdn overlap-sending
  139. isdn progress-indicator
  140. isdn progress-to-alerting enable
  141. isdn protocol-mode
  142. isdn protocol-type
  143. isdn q921-permanent
  144. isdn spid auto-trigger
  145. isdn spid resend
  146. isdn spid service
  147. isdn spid timer
  148. isdn spid2
  149. isdn two-tei
  150. permanent-active
  151. power-source
  152. display atm pvc-group
  153. display atm pvc-info
  154. display interface virtual-ethernet
  155. encapsulation
  156. interface virtual-ethernet
  157. mac-address
  158. map ppp
  159. oam ais-rdi
  160. oam loopback
  161. oam ping
  162. precedence
  163. pvc-group
  164. remark atm-clp
  165. reset atm interface
  166. service cbr
  167. service ubr
  168. service vbr-nrt
  169. service vbr-rt
  170. vp limit
  171. country-code
  172. modem answer-timer
  173. modem auto-answer
  174. modem caller-number resolve
  175. modem enable
  176. sendat
  177. controller cellular
  178. display cellular
  179. display controller cellular
  180. dm-port open
  181. modem reboot
  182. modem response
  183. pin unlock
  184. pin verification enable
  185. pin verify
  186. plmn search
  187. plmn select
  188. reset counters controller cellular
  189. sim switch-to
  190. trust-imsi
  191. gsm band
  192. profile create
  193. profile delete
  194. serial-set
  195. G modem-specific management commands
  196. apn-profile
  197. apn-profile apply
  198. authentication-mode
  199. display interface eth-channel
  200. eth-channel
  201. imsi bind
  202. ip address cellular-alloc
  203. ipv6 address cellular-alloc
  204. pdp-type
  205. dialer bundle enable
  206. dialer callback-center
  207. dialer call-in
  208. dialer circular enable
  209. dialer circular-group
  210. dialer disconnect
  211. dialer number
  212. dialer peer-name
  213. dialer queue-length
  214. dialer route
  215. dialer threshold
  216. dialer timer autodial
  217. dialer timer compete
  218. dialer timer idle
  219. dialer timer wait-carrier
  220. dialer-group
  221. dialer-group rule
  222. display dialer
  223. display interface dialer
  224. interface dialer
  225. ppp callback
  226. ppp callback ntstring
  227. standby routing-group rule
  228. standby timer routing-disable
  229. broadcast
  230. display fr compression stac
  231. display fr fragment
  232. display fr inarp
  233. display fr ipv6 map
  234. display fr lmi
  235. display fr map
  236. display fr pvc
  237. fr compression iphc enable
  238. fr compression iphc rtp-connections
  239. fr compression iphc tcp-connections
  240. fr compression stac enable
  241. fr encapsulation
  242. fr fragment enable
  243. fr fragment size
  244. fr inarp interval
  245. fr interface-type
  246. fr lmi n391dte
  247. fr lmi n392dce
  248. fr lmi n393dce
  249. fr lmi n393dte
  250. fr lmi t392dce
  251. fr lmi type
  252. fr ipv6 ind holdtime
  253. fr ipv6 ind solicitation retrans-timer
  254. link-protocol fr
  255. reset fr inarp
  256. reset fr pvc
  257. display interface mfr
  258. display mfr
  259. interface mfr
  260. link-protocol mfr
  261. mfr bundle-name
  262. mfr fragment enable
  263. mfr timer lost-fragment
  264. mfr link-name
  265. mfr timer ack
  266. mfr timer hello
  267. mfr window-size
  268. Index
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Hardware
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Modem
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
Table of contents
  1. command conventions
  2. obtaining documentation
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. configuring arp
  13. arp table
  14. configuring a static arp entry
  15. Setting the maximum number of dynamic ARP entries for a device
  16. Setting the aging timer for dynamic ARP entries
  17. displaying and maintaining arp
  18. Configuration procedure
  19. configuring gratuitous arp
  20. Enabling IP conflict notification
  21. configuring proxy arp
  22. Displaying proxy ARP
  23. Configuring ARP snooping
  24. Configuring ARP fast-reply
  25. ARP fast-reply configuration example
  26. configuring ip addressing
  27. subnetting and masking
  28. assigning an ip address to an interface
  29. Configuration guidelines
  30. ip address configuration example
  31. ip unnumbered configuration example
  32. dhcp overview
  33. dynamic ip address allocation process
  34. dhcp message format
  35. dhcp options
  36. Protocols and standards
  37. configuring the dhcp server
  38. ip address allocation sequence
  39. creating a dhcp address pool
  40. Specifying gateways for the client
  41. Specifying a domain name suffix for the client
  42. Specifying WINS servers and NetBIOS node type for the client
  43. Specifying the TFTP server and boot file name for the client
  44. Configuring Option 184 parameters for the client
  45. Enabling DHCP
  46. configuring ip address conflict detection
  47. Enabling handling of Option 82
  48. the dhcp server
  49. displaying and maintaining the dhcp server
  50. Dynamic IP address assignment configuration example
  51. DHCP user class configuration example
  52. Self-defined DHCP option configuration example
  53. troubleshooting dhcp server configuration
  54. configuring the dhcp relay agent
  55. dhcp relay agent support for option 82
  56. enabling the dhcp relay agent on an interface
  57. Configuring the DHCP relay agent security functions
  58. Enabling DHCP starvation attack protection
  59. Configuring the DHCP relay agent to release an IP address
  60. dhcp relay agent configuration example
  61. Option 82 configuration example
  62. troubleshooting dhcp relay agent configuration
  63. enabling the dhcp client on an interface
  64. Enabling duplicated address detection
  65. displaying and maintaining the dhcp client
  66. configuring dhcp snooping
  67. dhcp snooping support for option
  68. dhcp snooping configuration task list
  69. Configuring Option 82
  70. Saving DHCP snooping entries
  71. configuring dhcp packet rate limit
  72. dhcp snooping configuration examples
  73. bootp application
  74. bootp client configuration example
  75. configuring dns
  76. dns proxy
  77. DNS spoofing
  78. DNS configuration task list
  79. configuring static domain name resolution
  80. Configuring the IPv6 DNS client
  81. configuring the dns proxy
  82. Configuring DNS spoofing
  83. Configuring the DNS trusted interface
  84. Specifying the DSCP value for outgoing DNS packets
  85. Dynamic domain name resolution configuration example
  86. DNS proxy configuration example
  87. IPv6 DNS configuration examples
  88. Troubleshooting IPv4 DNS configuration
  89. configuring ddns
  90. DDNS client configuration task list
  91. Configuration prerequisites
  92. Applying the DDNS policy to an interface
  93. Displaying DDNS
  94. DDNS configuration example with PeanutHull server
  95. configuring nat
  96. nat types
  97. nat features
  98. nat server
  99. NAT hairpin
  100. nat entries
  101. NAT with DNS mapping
  102. nat configuration task list
  103. Configuring outbound net-to-net static NAT
  104. Configuring inbound one-to-one static NAT
  105. Configuring dynamic NAT
  106. Configuring inbound dynamic NAT
  107. Configuring NAT Server
  108. Configuring load sharing NAT Server
  109. Configuring NAT with DNS mapping
  110. displaying and maintaining nat
  111. nat configuration examples
  112. Outbound dynamic NAT for internal-to-external access (non-overlapping addresses)
  113. Bidirectional NAT for internal-to-external access
  114. NAT Server for external-to-internal access
  115. NAT Server for external-to-internal access through domain name
  116. Bidirectional NAT for external-to-internal access through NAT Server
  117. NAT hairpin in C/S mode
  118. NAT hairpin in P2P mode for access between internal users
  119. Twice NAT for access between two VPNs with overlapping addresses
  120. Load sharing NAT Server configuration example
  121. NAT with DNS mapping configuration example
  122. Basic IP forwarding on the device
  123. configuring fast forwarding
  124. Fast forwarding configuration example
  125. Verifying the configuration
  126. Displaying the adjacency table
  127. Optimizing IP performance
  128. Configuration example
  129. Configuring TCP MSS for an interface
  130. Enabling TCP SYN Cookie
  131. Configuring the TCP buffer size
  132. Configuring rate limit for ICMP error messages
  133. Configuring IP virtual fragment reassembly
  134. displaying and maintaining ip performance
  135. configuring udp helper
  136. displaying and maintaining udp helper
  137. ipv6 features
  138. ipv6 addresses
  139. IPv6 ND protocol
  140. IPv6 path MTU discovery
  141. Tunneling
  142. ipv6 basics configuration task list
  143. Assigning IPv6 addresses to interfaces
  144. Configuring an IPv6 link-local address
  145. configuring a static neighbor entry
  146. Setting the maximum number of dynamic neighbor entries
  147. Minimizing link-local ND entries
  148. Configuring the maximum number of attempts to send an NS message for DAD
  149. configuring the interface mtu
  150. Controlling sending ICMPv6 packets
  151. Enabling sending ICMPv6 time exceeded messages
  152. Specifying the source address for ICMPv6 packets
  153. IPv6 basics configuration example
  154. troubleshooting ipv6 basics configuration
  155. dhcpv6 overview
  156. Address/prefix lease renewal
  157. Stateless DHCPv6
  158. Configuring the DHCPv6 server
  159. Concepts
  160. DHCPv6 address pool
  161. IPv6 address/prefix allocation sequence
  162. Configuring IPv6 address assignment
  163. Configuring network parameters assignment
  164. Configuring the DHCPv6 server on an interface
  165. Setting the DSCP value for DHCPv6 packets sent by the DHCPv6 server
  166. DHCPv6 server configuration examples
  167. Dynamic IPv6 address assignment configuration example
  168. Configuring the DHCPv6 relay agent
  169. Displaying and maintaining the DHCPv6 relay agent
  170. Configuring DHCPv6 snooping
  171. H3C implementation of Option 18 and Option 37
  172. DHCPv6 snooping support for Option 37
  173. Configuring basic DHCPv6 snooping
  174. Saving DHCPv6 snooping entries
  175. Setting the maximum number of DHCPv6 snooping entries
  176. Displaying and maintaining DHCPv6 snooping
  177. Configuring IPv6 fast forwarding
  178. IPv6 fast forwarding configuration example
  179. configuring tunneling
  180. IPv4 over IPv4 tunneling
  181. IPv4 over IPv6 tunneling
  182. IPv6 over IPv6 tunneling
  183. tunneling configuration task list
  184. Configuring an IPv6 over IPv4 manual tunnel
  185. Configuring an automatic IPv4-compatible IPv6 tunnel
  186. Configuring a 6to4 tunnel
  187. to4 tunnel configuration example
  188. to4 relay configuration example
  189. Configuring an ISATAP tunnel
  190. Configuring an IPv4 over IPv4 tunnel
  191. Configuring an IPv4 over IPv6 manual tunnel
  192. Configuring a DS-Lite tunnel
  193. Configuring an IPv6 over IPv6 tunnel
  194. displaying and maintaining tunneling configuration
  195. Configuring flow classification
  196. Index
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
MSR3600-28 first page preview


Brand: H3C | Category: Network Router
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