User ManualH3C S1016/1024 Ethernet Switch Chapter 2 Switch Installation2-1Chapter 2 Switch Installation2.1 Installation Preparations2.1.1 Security TipsTo avoid any device impairment or bodily injury caused byimproper use, take the precautions listed below:z Before cleaning the switch, please unplug the switchconnector first. Do not clean the switch with wet cloth orliquid.z Do not place the switch near water or in any damp area.Prevent water or moisture from entering the switch chassis.z Keep the switch to operate in clean environment. Dustbuildup on the chassis may result in static absorption,shortening the life span of the switch and causingcommunication failure.z S1016/1024 use air cooling approach for they just generatea small amount of heat. Keep the switch in good ventilationcondition. Do not place one switch on another.z The switch can operate normally under proper voltage input.Make sure that the operating voltage is consistent with thatlabeled on the switch.z Do not open the chassis while the switch is in operation. Donot open the chassis if not necessary, even when the switchis not powered on.