APPENDIX BDEFAULT VALUESThe product has the following factory preset default values:Datum: 000 (WGS-84)NMEA Enable Switch:Baud Rate:Elevation Mask:DOP Mask:Receiver Operating Mode:Commands can be issued to the HI-203E to change the settings of thereceiver. The new settings will remain effective on next power-on as longas the on-board rechargeable backup battery is not discharged. Afterthe backup battery is discharged, factory preset default settings will beused.000 (WGS-84)GGA ONGLL OFFGSA ONGSV ONRMC ONVTG OFFChecksum ON4800 Baud5 degreesDOP Select: AutoGDOP: 20PDOP: 15HDOP: 8Normal Mode (without 1PPS)13