507919-01Page 4 of 21Issue 1946Refrigeration Piping• Use only refrigerant grade copper tubes.• Split systems may be installed with up to 50 feet ofline set (no more than 20 feet vertical) without specialconsideration (see long line set guidelines).• Ensure that vapor and liquid tube diameters areappropriate to capacity of unit.• Run refrigerant tubes as directly as possible byavoiding unnecessary turns and bends.• When passing refrigerant tubes through the wall, sealopening with RTV or other silicon-based caulk.• Avoid direct tubing contact with water pipes, duct work,floor joists, wall studs, floors, walls, and any structure.• Do not suspend refrigerant tubing from joists andstuds with a rigid wire or strap that comes in directcontact with tubing.• Ensure that tubing insulation is pliable and completelysurrounds vapor tube.It is important that no tubing be cut or seals broken until youare ready to actually make connections to the evaporatorand to the condenser section. DO NOT remove rubberplugs or copper caps from the tube ends until ready tomake connections at evaporator and condenser. Under nocircumstances leave the lines open to the atmosphere forany period of time, if so unit requires additional evacuationto remove moisture.CapacityLiquid VaporConnectionsDia.TubeDia.ConnectionsDia.TubeDia.-018 3/8” 3/8” 3/4” 3/4”-024 3/8” 3/8” 3/4” 3/4”-030 3/8” 3/8” 3/4” 3/4”-036 3/8” 3/8” 7/8” 7/8”-042 3/8” 3/8” 7/8” 7/8”-048 3/8” 3/8” 7/8” 7/8”-060 3/8” 3/8” 7/8” *1-1/8”* Field supplied 7/8 x 1-1/8 connector required on both endsof vapor tubing.Table 3. Recommended Liquid & Vapor TubeDiameters (in.)Be extra careful with sharp bends. Tubing can “kink” veryeasily, and if this occurs, the entire tube length will haveto be replaced. Extra care at this time will eliminate futureservice problems.It is recommended that vertical suction risers not be up-sized. Proper oil return to the compressor should bemaintained with suction gas velocity.Filter DrierThe filter drier is very important for proper system operationand reliability. If the drier is shipped loose, it must beinstalled by the installer in the field. Unit warranty will bevoid, if the drier is not installed.Installation of Line SetsDO NOT fasten liquid or suction lines in direct contact withthe floor or ceiling joist. Use an insulated or suspensiontype of hanger. Keep both lines separate, and alwaysinsulate the suction line. Liquid line runs (30 feet or more)in an attic will require insulation. Route refrigeration linesets to minimize length.DO NOT let refrigerant lines come in direct contact withfoundation. When running refrigerant lines through thefoundation or wall, openings should allow for a soundand vibration absorbing material to be placed or installedbetween tubing and foundation. Any gap betweenfoundation or wall and refrigerant lines should be filled witha vibration damping material.If ANY refrigerant tubing is required to be buried by stateor local codes, provide a 6 inch vertical rise at servicevalve.CAUTION