Page 5 of 21507919-01 Issue 1946Flushing Line SetsIf the unit will be installed in an existing system that usesan indoor unit or line sets charged with R-22 refrigerant,installer must perform the following flushing procedure.NOTE: Existing system components (including line setand indoor coil) must be an AHRI match with the unit inorder to fulfill unit warranty requirements.Refrigerant must be reclaimed in accordance withnational and local codes.WARNINGDo NOT attempt to flush and re-use existing line setsor indoor coil when the system contains contaminants(i.e., compressor burn out).CAUTION“Clean refrigerant” is any refrigerant in a system thathas not had compressor burnout. If the system hasexperienced burnout, it is recommended that theexisting line set and indoor coil be replaced.NOTEIn lieu of R-410A, an industry-standard flushing agentmay also be used.NOTELOW HIGHEXISTINGINDOORUNITGAUGEMANIFOLDCYLINDER CONTAININGCLEAN R-410A TO BEUSED FOR FLUSHING(Positioned to deliver liquidrefrigerant)LIQUID LINE SERVICEVALVEINLETDISCHARGETANKRETURNCLOSEDOPENEDRECOVERYCYLINDERRECOVERY MACHINENEWOUTDOORUNITVAPOR LINESERVICE VALVE VAPORLIQUID1ABCDA Cylinder with clean R-410A (positioned to deliver liquid refrigerant) to thevapor service valve.B Refrigerant gauge set (low side) to the liquid line valve.C Refrigerant gauge set center port to inlet on the recovery machine withan empty recovery tank connected to the gauge set.D Connect recovery tank to recovery machine per machine instructions.Figure 3.1. Connect gauges and equipment as shown in Figure 3.2. Set the recovery machine for liquid recovery and startthe recovery machine. Open the gauge set valves toallow the recovery machine to pull a vacuum on theexisting system line set and indoor unit coil.3. Position the cylinder of clean R-410A for delivery ofliquid refrigerant and open its valve to allow liquidrefrigerant to flow into the system through the vaporline valve. Allow the refrigerant to pass from thecylinder and through the line set and the indoor unitcoil before it enters the recovery machine.4. After all of the liquid refrigerant has been recovered,switch the recovery machine to vapor recovery sothat all of the R-410A vapor is recovered. Allow therecovery machine to pull the system down to 0.5. Close the valve on the inverted R-410A drum and thegauge set valves. Pump the remaining refrigerant outof the recovery machine and turn the machine off.