Troubleshooting14The following phenomena are not troublesSymptom CauseHear the soundof water flowWhen the air conditioner is started; during operationthe compressor starts or stops; or when the unit isstopped; sometimes it gives the sound of ìHua,Huaî or ìGudu, Guduî. This is the sound of therefrigerant circulation, not trouble.It is caused by the hot expansion and cold shrink ofthe plastic part.Gives ìPi, Paî soundHaving peculiar smell Sometimes the air sent from the indoor has peculiar smell,the smell is what the cigarette smoke naturally has or causedby the inner paint of the unit.During operation,the indoorunitproduces mist.D u r i n g C O O L I N Goperation, the modechanges from AUTO toFAN.After stopping theunit, it can not startimmediately.To prevent the frost from forming on the indoor unit heatexchanger, sometimes the unit will automatically changeto FAN mode, but sooner it will resume to COOLING mode.Even the operation button is set on ON, within 3 minutesafter the unit stops, Cooling, Dehumidifying or Heatingmode can not start. It is because the self-protection of thesystem.(In this 3 minutes,the air conditioner is in Fan mode)DuringDEHUMIDIFYING, thereis no air blown out or theFAN SPEED can not bechanged.In DEHUMIDIFYING operation, when the roomtemperature is too low, the fan motor will automaticallyand repeatedly drop the fan speedDuring operation, theoperation mode changes toAuto.Whether choosing Auto mode?In Auto mode, according to room temperature, the operationmode will automatically change Cooling to Heating, viceversa.During COOLING or DEHUMIDIFYING, you may seethe unit produces whiffs of light mist. It is caused by thesudden cold indoor air blown out from the unit producingcondensation mist.Hua, HuaWait threeminutesThe air conditionerdoes not start?