EnglishOperationLoading of the batteryClock setLoad the batteries as illustrated. 2 R-03 batteries,resetting key (cylinder); Be sure that the loading isin line with the “+”/“-”;Load the battery, then put on the cover again.Press CLOCK button,Press “+” or “-” to setcorrect time.Each press will increase ordecrease 1min. If the button iskept pressed, time will changequickly.press CONFIRM, “AM” andstarts working.Note:The distance between the signal transmission head andthe receiver hole should be within 7m without any obstaclechange-over wireless telephone is installed in the typein receiving the signals, so the distance to the indoor unitshould be shorter.Full display or unclear display during operation indicates thebatteries have been used up. Please change batteries.If the remote controller can’t run normally during operation,please remove the batteries and reload several minutes later.Inner side of the controllerCHILDLOCKSLEEPSMARTFANCOOLSMARTHEATDRYCTDSET TEMP. ROOM TEMP.AUTO AUTOAUTOFANSPEEDPOWERSOFTiFPECOTIMER ON OFFPMAM19202122232425272830311826FRESHLIGHT10QUIET29323318. nottubEDOCUsed to select CODE A or Bwith a press, A or B will bedisplayed on LCD. Pleaseselect A without specialexplanation.19. TESER buttonWhen the remote controllerappears abnormal, usea sharp pointed article topress this button to resetthe controller normal.20. nottubERIUQNIInquire the externalenvironmental temperatureand the operating powerof the machine. (e.g. whenthe panel display “01”, theoperating power is 100W;when the panel display“02”, the operating poweris 200W, and so forth)21. POWER button22. LIGHT buttonControl the lightening andextinguishing of the indoorLED display board.23. HEALTH AIRFLOW button24. HEALTH button25. SMART buttonUsed to set SMARToperation. (This functionis unavailable on somemodels.)26. SLEEP button27. 10 ºC buttonspecial heating setfunction: 10 degreeheating maintaining(valuable for RS)28. CHILDLOCK buttonIf pressed, the otherbuttons will be disabled.Press it once again, lockwill be cancelled.29. FRESH button30. TIMER ON / OFF button31. HOUR buttonused to change clock ortimer32. CANCEL/CONFIRMbuttonclock settings.33. CLOCK buttonThe following functions and related displays are notavailable: 20Remove the battery cover;123123PMAMQUIETSMART SLEEP10LIGHT CHILDLOCKFRESHHint:Remove the batteries in case unit won’t be in usage fora long period. If there are any display after taking-out,just need to press reset key.System configurationDomestic air conditioner