Seivice diagnosis Domestic air conditioner11.4.5 IPM protectionElectrify the machine again and turn it onwith the remote controller,If malfunctionsare reported before or upon the compressorbeing started up,IPM Module is damaged andneeds replacing.1ǃThe system may have been over or under charged with gas, which can be judged through the pressure of themeasuring system.2ǃThe shaft of compressor is seized and the compressor needs replacing.<(612The compressor is started normally, butmalfunctions are reported after it has run for sometime.Malfunction unsolvedIPM protection is detected by checking the compressor running condition and so onŶThe system leads to IPM protection due to over currentŶThe compressor faulty leads to IPM protectionŶcircuit component of IPM is broken and led to IPM protectionŶIPM protection dues to the compressor faultyŶIPM protection dues to faulty PCB of IPM moduleŶCompressor wiring disconnected* CautionBe sure to turn off power switch before connect or disconnect connector, or elseparts damage may be occurred. .LED1 flash 2 timesOutdoor diplayMethod ofmalfunction detectionMalfunction detectionconditionsTroubleshootingSupposed causes51