Haier HACI-MB Series Installation, Use And Maintenance Manual
Also see for HACI-MB 35E: Operating instructions
auae di Istaa ie$ Us e aute ie HACIB Trasp rtati Istaati Use ad aiteace auapag 24Per abiitare ’accesie de’uit! da c%ad re%t tra%ite u ctattpuit (si veda sche%a eettric per i %rsetti da utii are) ccrre (tread escudere i c%ad cae) i%pstare su SI a vce JAbiita HHffuit!K da JIgress digitaeK ea pagia Hc02 Per accedere a tae pagiasi veda i paragraf reativ a %e< C= rgiQuad i cursre a%peggiate si trva ea psi ie i at a siistra$pre%ed i tast freccia gi< si passa aa pagia successiva de %e<see iat$ tutte e pagie dei %e< s ctraddistiti da u cdice iat a destra che idica c a pri%a ettera i %e< (i quest cas A) ec due cifre i u%er dea pagiaAcceded aa pagia A02 si ha a dispsi ie due pssibii p ii= 1d1 reg18a2i1+e te3peratura$ che per%ettere di scegiere tra aut%atic (defaut)$ Cad$ Fredd$ S vetia ie.’uit! 8 dtata di ua gica di rega ie che da cfrt tra e variesde di te%peratura rega tutti gi attuatri di cui 8 dtata per prdurrearia cadaDfredda Aged su questa vce di %e<$ 8 pssibie far avrare’uit! s c gi attuatri per i cadDfredd escuderi 1d1 fu+2i1+a3e+t1$ che per%ette di see iare per ’uit! i %d difu ia%et tra recuperatre e UTA -e %d di fu ia%et recuperatre (defaut) quad i cfrt tra te%peratura itera ed estera csete$ ’uit! utii a gi attuatri per prdurre cadDfredd i quat a sa a ie de recuperatre dvrebbe essere i grad di sddisfarei requisiti ter%ici richiestie+u BK Set P1i+tAcceded a quest %e< 8 pssibie i%pstare i set pit desiderat dite%peraturae+u CK r181gi1Acceded a quest %e< 8 pssibie i%pstare a data e ’ra attuae$ ese see iat i fu ia%et de’uit! c accesieDspegi%et dafasce rarie si accede ae pagie di i%psta ii di tai fasce rarieAffichU e pagie di i%psta ie dee fasce rarie sia dispibii$ccrre pri%a abiitare ’accesie uit! da fasce rariePer fare quest 8 ecessari accedere pri%a a %e< HCstruttre (passwrd 0000) e successiva%ete accedere a stt%e< cPara%etriCstruttre ed i%pstare su SI a vce JAbiita HHff uit!K da JFasceHrarieK Hra 8 pssibie trare a %e< C Hrgi dve c i tast freccia i bass sar! pssibie accedere ae pagie di i%psta ie fasce rarieE’ pssibie i%pstare due fasce rarie e crs dee 24 re.a pri%a fascia raria ha ii i c F1 e ter%ia c F2$ %etre a secda ha ii i c F3 e ter%ia c F4Per i%pstare ua fascia raria see iare ’ra di ii i ed i set pitSET1 ppure SET2 (i cui vari s i%pstabii e %e< B SET PHI-T)$quest deter%ier! a aut%atica accesie dea uit! c i SET i%pstatPer ter%iare a fascia raria see iare ’rari di fie e a dicitura HFFea ca reativa a SETPer cpiare ’i%psta ie dee fasce rarie ache su atri giri utii area fu ie CHPIA A see iad i gir di destia ie e aciare aprcedura di cpia$ a ter%ie dea quae apparir! sua riga u %essaggidi avveuta cpia c successe+u DK I+gressi#UsciteAcceded a quest %e< 8 pssibie visuai are stat di tutti giigressiDuscite de’uit! .e uscite Dff s ctraddistite daa sigaDHx dve x idica i u%er de’uscita$ %etre DIx idetifica gi igressi ditip Dff.e uscite prpr iai s idetificate daa siga AHx$ %etre gi igressiprpr iai (quai ad ese%pi e sde di te%peratura) s ctraddisitite daa siga AIxPer ’esatt sigificat di gu riferirsi a sche%a eettric specifice+u EK St1ric1 A88ar3iAcceded a quest %e< si pss visuai are gi uti%i 50 %essaggidi aar%e ccrsiAcceded a quest %e< 8 pssibie i%pstare a data e ’ra attuae$ ese see iat ie+u FK Ca3bi1 Schedaquest %e< 8 riservat a cstruttree+u GK Assiste+2aAcceded a quest %e< ed ai reativi stt %e< 8 pssibie settare ivari para%etri di fu ia%et$ per i r sigificat riferirsi aa tabeastt riprtataDa evide iare che per i %e< G ed H e pagie dei %e< s ctraddistite da due ettere e due cifre dve i sigificat dea secda ettera8 que di idicare i st%eu$ csY ad ese%pi Ga01 rappreseta apagia 01 de stt%e< a de %e< G.’access a quest %e< 8 prtett da passwrd che ha i vare di 0000T eabe the startig f the uit by re te c tr thr ugh a dry c tact(see the eectrica drawig f r the caps t be used) it is ecessary texcude the ca c tr ad t set up the etry NEabe uit F8FffJ YES fr the etry Ndigita iputJ page Hc02 T eter this page seethe paragraph f r the C eu9 c c%Whe the bi%erig curs r is p siti ed t p eft by pushig the Narr wd wJ y u ca ve t the f wig page f the seected eu A thepages f the eus are ar%ed by a c de i t p right p siti which spe8cifies with the first etter the eu (i this case A) ad with 2 digits the u8ber f the pageBy eterig page A02 there are 2 p ssibe pti s9 Te2perature c-.tr-5 2-de9 it a ws t ch se a g Aut atic(defaut) H t C d Vetiati y The uit is equipped with a reguati gic that c tr s a the actuat rs t pr duce h t>c d air by c parigthe differet teperature pr bes By usig this eu etry it is p ssibet a%e the uit w r% y with the h t>c d actuat rs r t excude the Ru..i.g 2-de9 it a ws t seect the w r%ig de betwee heatrec very uit ad UTA I the heat rec very w r%ig de (defaut) whethe c paris betwee itera ad extera teperature a ws it theuit d es t use the actuat rs t pr duce heat>c d because the yacti f the heat rec very uit sh ud be abe t satisfy the eeded ther8a requireetse.u BD Set P-i.tBy eterig this eu it is p ssibe t pr gra the required teperatureset p ite.u CD C5-c=By eterig this eu it is p ssibe t set the curret tie ad date ad teter the pages f r pr graig the tie s ts if the w r%ig f the uitwith turig > ff by tie s ts is seectedIt is ecessary first f a t eabe the startig f the uit by tie s t ta%e the pages f tie s t set8up avaiabeT d s it is ecessary t eter first the eu H8aufacturer (passw rd0000) ad the t eter the subeu C – paraeters aufacturer ad tset YES the etry NEabe uit F8FffJ fr NTie S tJE w it is p ssibe t g bac% t the eu C C c% where with the %eyarr w i the b tt part y u ca eter the pages f r the set8up f ties tsIt is p ssibe t set up tw tie s ts durig 24 h urs The first tie s tbegis with F1 ad eds with F2 whereas the sec d e begis with F3ad eds with F4 T set up a tie s t y u sh ud seect the startig tiead the set p it SET1 r SET2 (the vaues have t be set thr ugh theeu B SET PFIET) with the resutig aut atic startig f the uit atthe defied SETT ed the tie s t set up y u sh ud seect the edig tie ad the etryFFF i the SET c uT c py the set up f the tie s ts as the ther days y u sh ud usethe fucti CFPY A by seectig the day ad startig the pr cedure fc py At the ed f this pr cedure a essage f c firati wi appear the c rresp dig iee.u DD I.put# utputBy eterig this eu it is p ssibe t visuaiCe the c diti f a theiputs> utputs f the uit The utputs > ff are ar%ed by the syb sDFx where x stads f r the uber f the utput whereas DIx idetifiesthe > ff iputsThe pr p rti a utputs are ar%ed by the syb s A x whereas the pr 8p rti a iputs (as f r exape the teperature pr bes) are idetified bythe syb s AIxF r the c rrect eaig f each f the pease see the specific eectricawirig diagrae.u ED ist -f A5ar2sBy eterig this eu it is p ssibe t visuaiCe the ast 50 registered aaressagese.u FD Substituti-. -f the b-ardThis eu is reserved t the aufacturere.u GD Service<By eterig this eu ad the c rresp dig sub rdiate eus it is p s8sibe t set the differet w r%ig paraeters F r their eaig see thebe w tabeIt has t be uderied that f r the eus G ad H the pages f the eusare ar%ed by 2 etters ad 2 ubers where the sec d etter specifiesthe sub rdiate eu s f r exape Ga01 stads f r page 02 f the sub8rdiate eu NaJ f the eu GThis eu has 0000 passw rd14 REG AI E E ETTR ICA 14 EECTR IC C TR |
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