Troubleshooting / WarrantyHaier LED HDTV EN-22Blank screenVerify if correct signals are input.Press INPUT button to changesignal input to TV input.Restart the television of powersupply is interrupted.No soundPress Mute button and verify ifMute mode is set.Switch to other channel and verifyif the same problem happens.Press VOL+ button to see if theproblem can be solved.Poor sound Verify if sound system is correct.Refer to Page 18 for adjustments.No picturein somechannelVerify if correct channel is selected.Adjust the antenna.Make adjustments by Fine Tuneand Manual Scan.No colorfor somechannelprogram(black andwhite)Verify if the same problem exists inother channels.Check out of picture and soundsystems.Refer to relative instructions in theManual for color adjust.Spots withsome or allpicturesVerify if the antenna is correctlyconnected.Verify if the antenna is in goodcondition.Make fine adjustment of channel.Horizontal/vertical barsor pictureshakingCheck for local interference suchas an electrical appliance or powertool.Televisionout of controlDisconnect the television frompower supply and, 10 secondslater, connect the television tothe power supply. If the problemstill exists, contact authorizedafter-sales service for technicalassistance.NoteDo not leave the television with static picture inRan extended period as the image may becomepermanently burned.The TV set must only be repaired by a qualifiedR registered service person. Never attempt to removethe back cover as the TV set has dangerous voltageslevels inside that may be fatal or cause fire.WarrantyWarrantyThis Haier brand product, when shipped in its originalcontainer, will be free from defective workmanship andmaterials, and agrees that it will, at its option, either repairthe defect or replace the defective product with a new orremanufactured equivalent at to the purchaser, for partsor labor for the periods set forth below:This warranty does not apply to the appearance of theproduct or the exterior of the product, which has beendamaged or defaced, altered or modified in design orconstruction. It does not apply to the additional excludeditems set forth below:The warranty commences on the date the item waspurchased and the original purchase receipt mustbe presented to the authorized service center beforewarranty repairs are rendered.The limited warranty described herein is in additionto whatever implied warranties may be granted topurchasers by law. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDINGTHE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESSFOR USE ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD(s) FROM THE DATEOF PURCHASE SET FORTH BELOW. Some states do notallow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, sothe above limitation may not apply to you.Neither the sales personnel of the seller nor any otherperson is authorized to make any warranties other thanthose described herein, or to extend the duration of anywarranties beyond the time period described herein onbehalf of Haier.The warranties described herein shall be the sole andexclusive warranties granted by Haier and shall be thesole and exclusive remedy available to the purchaser.Correction of defects in the manner and for the periodof time described herein, shall constitute completefulfillment of all abilities and Responsibility of Haier tothe purchaser with respect to the product, and shallconstitute full satisfaction of all claims, whether basedon contract, negligence, strict duality or otherwise. Inno event shall Haier be liable, or in any way responsiblefor any damages or defects in the product which werecaused by repairs or attempted repairs performed byanyone other than an authorized service center ordealer; nor shall Haier be liable, or in any way responsiblefor incidental or consequential economic or propertydamage. Some states do not allow the exclusion ofincidental or consequential damages, so that aboveexclusion may not apply to you.THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS.YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROMSTATE TO STATE.Warranty period for this product: one year parts and 90days labor.Additional items excluded from warranty coverage: non-rechargeable batteries. Where to obtain service: For thelocation of the nearest Haier authorized service centeror to obtain product literature, accessories, supplies orcustomer assistance, please call 1-877-337-3639.What to do to obtain service: ship or carry in yourproduct to an authorized service dealer or center. Besure to have proof of purchase.If you ship the product, be sure it is packaged carefully.Haier AmericaNew York, NY 10018