HSU24VHJ˄DB˅ Connector Wiring DiagramDomestic Air Conditioner124.2 ᧶outdoor unitConnectorsPCB(1) (Control PCB)1) CN1,CN2 Connector for power N and L2) CN3 Connector for ground3) CN22 Connector for DC POWER 15Vand 5V to the module board4) CN16 Connector for electric expansion valves5) CN21 Connector for DC fan motor6) CN10 Connector for four way valve coil7) CN17,CN18,CN19,CN20 Connector for thermistors(CN20: outdoor air,CN19: heat exchanger, CN18 :SUCK thermistors ,CN17 :discharge pipe)8) CN23 Connector for communicate between the control board and the module board9) CN25 ,CN8 Connector for the L,N to the module board10) CN4 Connector for communicate between the indoor board and the outdoor board11) CN26 Connector for capacitance anode12) CN24 Connector for capacitance cathodePCB(2) (module PCB)CN10 Connector for the DC power 5V and 15V form the control PCBCN11 Connector for communicate between the control board and the module boardP( CN1), N(CN5) Connector for capacitance boardLI (CN7),LO(CN6) Connector for reactorCN2ˈCN3ˈCN4 Connector for the U, V, W wire of the compressorNote: Other DesignationsPCB(1) (Control PCB)1) FUSE 1, (25A,250VAC) FUSE 2(1A,250VAC)2)LED 1 keep light representative normal ,if keep flash interval representative trouble Alarm3)RV1,RV2,RV3 Varistor