HSU24VHJ˄DB˅ Funcitions and ControlDomestic Air Conditioner225.2.2 Outdoor fan controlCompressor startup within 3min ,outdoor fan speed control as follows:OutdoorTemperature<10 10ī25 ≥25Cooling/Dehumidification1 3 7Heating 5 3 2fter compressor runs 3min ,outdoor fan speed control as follows:Cooling/ Dehumidification:Compressor Operation Frequency˄Hz˅ <25 25ī45 ≥45Tao˄ć˅32 ī38 3 4 723ī32 1 2 5<23≥38 7Heating:Compressor Operation Frequency˄Hz˅ <25 25ī45 ≥45Tao˄ć˅≤4 3 4 74ī18 2 4 7≥18 1Compressor shutdown and outdoor fan residual heat blow processWhen compressor shuts down in cooling mode, outdoor fan automatically jumps to low speed andblows residual heat for 30s and stop.5.2.3 Four-way Valve ControlDefrosting Four-way Valve Controlˈ(please see defrosting process for details)Time sequence of the defrosting operation is as follows:Four-way Valve Work Status in Other Modes:In heating mode, four-way valve is on. If compressor is off or is switched to non-heating mode,four-way valve ensures that it is off at least 2 minutes after compressor shuts down.5.2.4 Outdoor Defrosting ControlDefrosting Mode Entry ConditionsThe unit will enter defrosting mode when compressor starts up and operates for 10 minutescontinuously in heating mode or after compressor runs for an accumulated time of 45 minutes (Uponcompletion of defrosting or when switched to cooling mode, compressor accumulated operation timewill be cleared) and when 2 minutes’ continuous checking by defrosting sensor TE (check frostingcondition of outdoor unit heat exchanger) and outdoor ambient temperature sensor TA meets thefollowing conditions: