READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electricshock or personal injury.Ŷ Use this appliance only for its intended purpose asdescribed in this Owner’s Manual.Ŷ This air conditioner must be properly installed inaccordance with the Installation Instructions before it isused.Ŷ Never unplug your air conditioner by pulling on thepower cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight outfrom the receptacle.Ŷ Replace immediately all electric service cords that havebecome frayed or otherwise damaged. A damagedpower supply cord must be replaced with a new powersupply cord obtained from the manufacturer andnot repaired. Do not use a cord that shows cracks orabrasion damage along its length or at either the plug orconnector end.Ŷ Turn the unit OFF and unplug your air conditioner beforecleaning.Ŷ GE Appliances does not support any servicing of the airconditioner. We strongly recommend that you do notattempt to service the air conditioner yourself.Ŷ For your safety…do not store or use combustiblematerials, gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquidsin the vicinity of this or any other appliance.Ŷ All air conditioners contain refrigerants, which underfederal law must be removed prior to product disposal.If you are getting rid of an old product with refrigerants,check with the company handling disposal about whatto do.Ŷ If the receptacle does not match the plug, the receptaclemust be changed out by a qualified electrician.Ŷ These R410A air conditioning systems requirecontractors and technicians to use tools, equipment andsafety standards approved for use with this refrigerant.DO NOT use equipment certified for R22 refrigerantonly.WARNING USE OF EXTENSION CORDSRISK OF FIRE. Could cause serious injury or death.Ŷ DO NOT use an extension cord with this Window AirConditioner.Ŷ DO NOT use surge protectors or multi-outlet adaptorswith this Window Air Conditioner.HOW TO CONNECT ELECTRICITY'RQRWXQGHUDQ\FLUFXPVWDQFHVFXWRUUHPRYHWKHWKLUGJURXQG SURQJIURPWKHSRZHUFRUG)RUSHUVRQDOVDIHW\WKLVDSSOLDQFHPXVWEHSURSHUO\JURXQGHGDO NOT use an adapter plug with this appliance.7KHSRZHUFRUGRIWKLVDSSOLDQFHLVHTXLSSHGZLWKDSURQJ JURXQGLQJ SOXJZKLFKPDWHVZLWKDVWDQGDUGSURQJ JURXQGLQJ ZDOORXWOHWWRPLQLPL]HWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIHOHFWULFVKRFNKD]DUGIURPWKLVDSSOLDQFH3RZHUFRUGLQFOXGHVDFXUUHQWLQWHUUXSWHUGHYLFH$WHVWDQGUHVHWEXWWRQLVSURYLGHGRQWKHSOXJFDVH7KHGHYLFHVKRXOGEHWHVWHGRQDSHULRGLFEDVLVE\ILUVWSUHVVLQJWKHTESTEXWWRQDQGWKHQWKHRESETEXWWRQZKLOHSOXJJHGLQWRWKHRXWOHW,IWKHTESTEXWWRQGRHVQRWWULSRULIWKHRESETEXWWRQZLOOQRWVWD\HQJDJHGGLVFRQWLQXHXVHRIWKHDLUFRQGLWLRQHUDQGFRQWDFWDTXDOLILHGVHUYLFHWHFKQLFLDQ+DYHWKHZDOORXWOHWDQGFLUFXLWFKHFNHGE\DTXDOLILHGHOHFWULFLDQWRPDNHVXUHWKHRXWOHWLVSURSHUO\JURXQGHG:KHUHDSURQJZDOORXWOHWLVHQFRXQWHUHGLWLV\RXUSHUVRQDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\DQGREOLJDWLRQWRKDYHLWUHSODFHGZLWKDSURSHUO\JURXQGHGSURQJZDOORXWOHW7KHDLUFRQGLWLRQHUVKRXOGDOZD\VEHSOXJJHGLQWRLWVRZQLQGLYLGXDOHOHFWULFDORXWOHWZKLFKKDVDYROWDJHUDWLQJWKDWPDWFKHVWKHUDWLQJSODWH7KLVSURYLGHVWKHEHVWSHUIRUPDQFHDQGDOVRSUHYHQWVRYHUORDGLQJKRXVHZLULQJFLUFXLWVZKLFKFRXOGFDXVHDILUHKD]DUGIURPRYHUKHDWHGZLUHV6HHWKH,QVWDOODWLRQ,QVWUXFWLRQVElectricalRequirements VHFWLRQIRUVSHFLILFHOHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVAIR CONDITIONER SAFETYENGLISH2