Operation as an AP Bridge Point to Multi-PointThe difference to the AP Bridge Point to Point operati-on is that you can enter the MAC addresses of severalaccess points in this mode. Bridge connections can beestablished to a maximum of 6 other access points.Selecting this under Band allows you to specifywhether the device runs ion the 2.4 Ghz band inaccordance with the 802.11b (11Mbps), 802.11g(54Mbps) standards or works in combination with802.11b and 802.11g. Channel Number allows you toselect the channel in which the data is to betransferred. 13 channels are available. Enter theaddresses of the access points to which the bridgeconnection is to be made in MAC address 1 to MACaddress 4. To set the encryption for your wirelessnetwork, click the Set Security button.Continue reading on page 11 for instructions on settingWireless LAN encryption.Click Apply in the next window, and again in the window after that if you want to operate a wireless network without encryption. Therouter is then restarted. The wireless network is available after you restart. Operation as an AP Bridge WDSWhat is WDS? Wireless Distribution System is thename for wireless connections between multipleaccess points, and also allows clients to log-in, whichis not permitted by other bridge modes. The bandwidthof the network is halved for each additional accesspoint as the packets have to be sent twice.This makes it a combination of the previous modes.Selecting this under Band allows you to specifywhether the device runs ion the 2.4 Ghz band inaccordance with the 802.11b (11Mbps), 802.11g(54Mbps) standards or works in combination with802.11b and 802.11g. The ESSID is required for theclient network. It acts as identification in the networkand must therefore be identical for all users in theclient network. The ESSID can be up to 32 characterslong.Channel Number allows you to select the channel in which the data is to be transferred. 13 channels are available. Enter the addres-ses of the access points to which the bridge connection is to be made in MAC address 1 to MAC address 4. To set the encryption foryour wireless network, click the Set Security button.Continue reading on page 11 for instructions on setting Wireless LAN encryption.Click Apply in the next window, and again in the window after that if you want to operate a wireless network without encryption. Therouter is then restarted. The wireless network is available after you restart.