IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Integration Manual 1 - 3Imager OrientationWhen the IT4X00 Series is mounted with the label pointing up, captured images appear right side up.Connector Position and Flex OrientationConnectorThe interface connector is a Molex 0.30mm (.012") Easy-On™ Type Right Angle, SMT, ZIF, Bottom Contact Style Receptaclepart number 54393-2192. See Interface Connector on page 1-2 for details.Connector PinoutPin Signal Description1 Ground Power and signal ground.2 LED Current Control PWM Input - Controls the LED current. A pulse width modulated signal based on a frequency of 7.5K Hzreduces the current of the LED power supply. The relationship of current to duty cycle is inversely pro-portional (the longer the duty cycle, the lower the current). Leave this pin unconnected if not using thisfeature.3 Ground Power and signal ground.4 Horizontal Sync (H Data Valid) Output - Definition varies according to the setting of the image registers. For the configuration defined inthis document, this signal is used as a data valid window. Polarity of this signal is selectable in registeraddress 0x01, Bit 1. Hand Held Products setting is 1 = active high window.5 Vertical Sync (V Data Valid) Output - Definition varies according to the setting of the image registers. For the configuration defined inthis document, this signal is used as a data valid window. Polarity of this signal is selectable in registeraddress 0x01, Bit 2. Hand Held Products setting is 0 = active low window.6 Aimer On Input - Active high on this line enables the LED power supply and turns on the 2 aiming LEDs. This linemay be pulse width modulated many times per horizontal line (based on pixel clock) in order to reducepower.7 Illumination On Input - Active high on this line enables the LED power supply and turns on the 4 illumination LEDs. Thisline may be pulse width modulated many times per horizontal line (based on pixel clock) in order toreduce power.8 Power Enable Input - Active high enables the imager. A low on this line places the imager in a power down state.9 I2 C Data (SDA) Imager follows slave protocols with respect to this signal.10 I2 C Clock (SCL) Imager follows slave protocols with respect to this signal.TopFlex