23Otherwise:• For HI 2214 the instrument will display the pH or relative mV valueon the primary LCD and the last stored record number on thesecondary LCD, along with “LOG” tag.• For HI 2215 the instrument will display the lot number on theprimary LCD, the number of records on the secondary LCD, “LOG”tag and “CFM” blinking. If samples were logged on demand “MAn”will be displayed on the primary LCD and the number of sampleslogged on the secondary LCD (see example below: manual log,15 samples logged).Press the ARROW keys to select a different lot.All the existing lots are displayed.Press CFM to view record information.The instrument will display the pH or relative mV value on the primaryLCD and the last stored record number on the secondary LCD, along with“LOG” tag.orUse the ARROW keys to scroll through the records.To view additional information, press RANGE:• The mV value is displayed on the primary LCD and the temperaturevalue on the secondary LCD.26SETUPSetup mode allows viewing and modifying the following parameters:• Expired Calibration Alarm• Log Interval (HI 2215 only)• First Custom Buffer• Second Custom Buffer• One-point Calibration Behavior• pH Resolution• Current Time (hour & minute)• Current Date (year, month & day)• Beep Status• Instrument Id• Temperature UnitTo enter SETUP mode, press SETUP while the instrument is inmeasurement mode.Select a parameter with the ARROW keys.Press CAL to change a parameter value. The selected parameter willstart blinking.Press RANGE to toggle between displayed parameters.Press the ARROW keys to increase or decrease the displayed value.Press CFM to save the modified value or CAL to escape without saving.LOG INTERVAL (HI 2215 only)Press CAL when log interval is displayed. The log interval and “CFM” willstart blinking (“MAn” for log on demand, “StAb” log on stability,interval in seconds or minutes).Press the ARROW keys to change the custom buffer value.Press CFM to confirm the selection.Press CAL to escape without savingEXPIRED CALIBRATION ALARMPress CAL when the calibration time-out is displayed. Calibration time-out(“OFF” or “1” to “7” days) and “CFM” will start blinking.Press the ARROW keys to change the calibration time-out value.Press CFM to save the modified calibration time-out value.Press CAL to escape without saving.