25Data transmission from the instrument to the PC can be done with the HI92000 WindowsÆ compatible software (optional). HI 92000 also offersgraphing and on-line help feature.Data can be exported to the most popular spreadsheet programs for furtheranalysis.To connect your instrument to a PC, use the optional Hanna HI 920010 cableconnector. Make sure that your instrument is switched off and plug oneconnector to the instrument RS232C socket and the other into the serial portof your PC.Note: ï Other cables than HI 920010 may use a different configuration.In this case communication between instrument and PC may notbe possible.ï If you are not using Hanna Instruments HI 92000 software,please see the following instructions.SENDING COMMANDS FROM PCIt is also possible to remotely control the instrument with any terminalprogram. Use HI 920010 cable to connect the instrument to a PC, start theterminal program and set the communication options as follows: 8, N, 1, noflow control.COMMAND TYPESTo send a command to the instrument the scheme is: > where: is a selectable ASCII characterbetween 0 and 47. is the command code (3 characters).Note: Either small or capital letters can be used.SIMPLE COMMANDSRNG Is equivalent to pressing RANGECAL Is equivalent to pressing CALCFM Is equivalent to pressing CFM/GLPUPC Is equivalent to pressing the UP arrow keyDWC Is equivalent to pressing the DOWN arrow keySET Is equivalent to pressing SET/CLRLOG Is equivalent to pressing LOGPC INTERFACE