19HARDI ® GAS ENGINE ESTATE SPRAYER OPERATOR’S MANUAL6.1 Calibration (Ounce Method)If you do not wish to use the calibration kit method, the followingmethod may be used. All you need is a tape measure, stop watch anda container that accurately measures U.S. fluid ounces.1. Fill the sprayer tank approximately half full with clean water.2. Set up two stakes, 204 ft. apart in actual spraying conditions.3. While driving at spraying speed, note the length of time required todrive 204 ft. Repeat several times and take the average of the timesrecorded.4. With the sprayer operating at intended spraying pressure, collect theoutput from one nozzle for the length of time determined in step 3.The number of U.S. fluid ounces will exactly measure the applicationrate.e.g. 15 U.S. fluid ounces = 15 U.S. gallons per acreNOTE: This method only works if the nozzle spacing is 20”.For conversion to Imperial gallons per acre, multiply U.S. GPA x .833For conversion to liters per hectare, multiply U.S. GPA x 9.34For conversion to liters per acre, multiply U.S. GPA x 3.787.0 MAINTENANCEWARNING:UNCLEAN SPRAYERS CAN BE HAZARDOUS TOPEOPLE AND ANIMALS. NEVER LEAVE A SPRAYER CONTAIN-ING CHEMICALS WHERE IT COULD BE ACCESSED BY UNAU-THORIZED PEOPLE OR ANIMALS.IMPORTANT:Always clean the boom at the end of your workday orbefore servicing to avoid unnecessary contact with chemicals.In order to derive full benefit from the sprayer for many years, thefollowing few, but important rules should be followed.7.1 Cleaning The SprayerRead the entire label of the chemical used. Take note of any particularinstructions regarding recommended protective clothing, deactivatingagents, etc. Read the detergent and deactivating agent labels. Ifcleaning procedures are given, follow them closely.