6 HARDI® FOAM MARKER STANDARD VERSION1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe use of a foam marking system in certain conditions is beneficial inthe reduction of spraying operation costs. Missed or skipped areas as wellas overlapping will result in either lost production or over application ofproduct resulting in poor weed control, yield loss and/or crop damages.The standard version of the HARDI ® Foam Marker is available in either10,15, or 20 gallon solution tank capacities (20 or 40 gallon on NewNavigator sprayers). It also consists of a Compressor Box, In-Cab ControlBox, solution line and an air line plumbed to the foam generator with afoam dropper at both ends of the spray boom.The air compressor supplies air to the foam generator and also pressur-izes the solution tank to force foam solution out to the foam genera tor.The Control Box has one switch and one adjustable knob. The adjust-able knob is for controlling the frequency of foam drops. The switch is foron/off and alternating foam drops between left and right hand sides of thesprayer.The standard version of the HARDI® Foam Marker is designed to be add-ed to all current production trailer sprayers as well as some 3 point hitchsprayers. The installation instructions are covered in this Foam Markermanual. Some variation from this material may be necessary if installingon older model HARDI® sprayers.To optimize the performance of your HARDI® Foam Marker it is suggestedto use HARDI® Foam concentrate at dilutions ranging from 110:1 to 55:1.This can be purchased in 1.0 U.S. gal. containers (#10501703) or boxesof 6 x 1.0 U.S. gallons (#10501903).