33HARDI® N-SERIES 3-PT SPRAYER DIAPHRAGM OPERATOR'S MANUAL4.12 Operation Of The Tank Drain Valve (all models)WARNING: BEFORE USING THE TANK DRAIN, VERIFY THATDISPOSAL OF WASTE IS DONE ACCORDING TOCHEMICAL LABEL INSTRUCTIONS AND LOCALREGULATIONS.The HARDI® N-series 3-PT sprayer is equipped with a top operatedtank drain valve.The top operated tank drain valve handle is located near the tanklid. To open the drain valve, turn the red drain valve handle (Fig. 23)counter-clockwise.To close the drain valve, turn the handle (Fig. 23) clockwise.TOP OPERATED TANK DRAIN4.13 Adjustment of Air Pressure in Pressure Damper(All models)The air pressure in the damper on the HARDI® diaphragm pump is fac-tory preset at 30 psi (2 bar). This is suitable for nozzle spray pressuresbetween 45 psi (3 bar) and 225 psi (15 bar). If different nozzle pres-sures are required, set pressure damper at pressures indicated.To open To closeFig. 23PSI (BAR) PSI (BAR)20-45 (1-3) 0-15 (0-1)45-255 (3-15) 15-45 (1-3)