2.1This symbol means DANGER. Be very alert as your safety is involved!Read and understand this instruction book before using the equipment. It is equally important that other opera-tors of this equipment read and understand this book.Local law may demand that the operator is certified to use spray equipment. Adhere to the law.Wear protective clothing.Rinse and wash equipment after use and before servicing.Never service or repair the equipment while it is operating.Always replace all safety devices or shields immediately after servicing.Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying or working with contaminated equipment.Wash and change clothes after spraying.Wash tools if they have become contaminated.In case of poisoning, immediately seek medical advice. Remember to identify chemicals used.Keep children away from the equipment.If any portion of this instruction book remains unclear after reading it, contact your HARDI® dealer for furtherexplanation before using the equipment.Be careful not to hit people or surroundings when maneuvering the sprayer, especially when backing.Slow down when driving in uneven terrain, as the machine might be in risk of turning over.This symbol means WARNING. Be alert as your safety can be involved!Note the following recommended precautions and safe operating practices.This symbol means ATTENTION. This guides to better, easier and safer operation of your sprayer!General infoOperator safety2 - Safety notes