AC Power ConnectionsThis unit is equipped with two accessory AC out-lets. They may be used to power accessorydevices, but they should not be used with high-current draw equipment such as power ampli-fiers. The total power draw to the UnswitchedOutlet must not exceed 100 watts, that tothe Switched Outlet 50 watts.The Switched outlet will receive power onlywhen the unit is on completely. This is recom-mended for devices that have no power switchor a mechanical power switch that may be left inthe “ON” position.NOTE: Many audio and video products turn toStandby mode only when they are used withswitched outlets, and cannot be fully turned onusing the outlet alone without a remote controlcommand.The Unswitched outlet will receive poweras long as the unit is plugged into a powered ACoutlet and the Main Power Switch 1 is on.Finally, when all connections are complete, plugthe power cord into a nonswitched 220-240-voltAC wall outlet. You’re almost ready to enjoy theAVR 135!Speaker SelectionNo matter which type or brand of speakers isused, the same model or brand of speakershould be used at least for the front-left, centerand front-right speakers. This creates a seamlessfront soundstage and eliminates the possibilityof distracting sonic disturbances that occur whena sound moves across mismatched front-channelspeakers.Speaker PlacementThe placement of speakers in a multichannelhome-theater system can have a noticeableimpact on the quality of sound reproduced.Depending on the type of center-channelspeaker in use and your viewing device, placethe center speaker either directly above or belowyour TV, or in the center behind a perforatedfront-projection screen.Once the center-channel speaker is installed,position the left-front and right-front speakers sothat they are as far away from one another asthe center-channel speaker is from the preferredlistening position. Ideally, the front-channelspeakers should be placed so that their tweetersare no more than 60cm above or below thetweeter in the center-channel speaker.They should also be at least 0.5 meter from yourTV set unless the speakers are magneticallyshielded to avoid colourings on the TV screen.Note that most speakers are not shielded, evenwith complete surround sets only the Centerspeaker may be.Depending on the specifics of your roomacoustics and the type of speakers in use, youmay find that imaging is improved by moving thefront-left and front-right speakers slightlyforward of the center-channel speaker. Ifpossible, adjust all front loudspeakers so thatthey are aimed at ear height when you areseated in the listening position.Using these guidelines, you’ll find that it takessome experimentation to find the correctlocation for the front speakers in your particularinstallation. Don’t be afraid to move thingsaround until the system sounds correct. Optimizeyour speakers so that audio transitions acrossthe front of the room sound smooth.When the AVR is used in 5.1-channel operation,the preferred location for surround speakers ison the side walls of the room, at or slightlybehind the listening position. In a 6.1-channelsystem, both side surround and a back surroundspeaker are required. The center of the speakershould face you (see below).The rear wall location may also be used in placeof side-wall mounting in 5.1 systems when it isnot practical to place the main surround speak-ers at the sides of the room.As with the side speakers, rear surround speak-ers should be located so that the bottom of thecabinet is at least two feet higher than the lis-teners’ ears. The speakers should be no morethan six feet behind the rear of the seating area.If dipole-type speakers are used on either theside or rear walls of the room, please note that ifthere are arrows on the speakers they shouldface the front of the room for the side speakers,or toward the center of the wall for the rearspeakers.Subwoofers produce largely nondirectionalsound, so they may be placed almost anywherein a room. Actual placement should be based onroom size and shape and the type of subwooferused. One method of finding the optimallocation for a subwoofer is to begin by placing itin the front of the room, about 15cm from awall, or near the front corner of the room.Another method is to temporarily place thesubwoofer in the spot where you will normallysit, and then walk around the room until youfind a spot where the subwoofer sounds best.Place the subwoofer in that spot. You shouldalso follow the instructions of the subwoofer’smanufacturer, or you may wish to experimentwith the best location for a subwoofer in yourlistening room.A) Front Channel Speaker Installation withDirect-View TV Sets or Rear-Screen Projectors14 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONSInstallation and ConnectionsB) Rear-wall speaker mounting using thepositions marked “5.1” is an alternate locationfor 5.1 systems. When the AVR’s internalamplifier only is used for a 6.1 speakerconfiguration, the position marked “6.1” shouldbe used.