33INITIAL SETUPBefore you begin enjoying your new receiver, a few adjustments shouldbe made to configure the AVR 347 to match your actual system.Make sure that you have connected a video display to one of the videomonitor outputs on the receiver. When you turn on your display and theAVR, you should see a blue screen. A message may appear briefly atthe bottom of the screen. This message is part of the on-screen displaysystem, and is referred to as the “semi-OSD”. The semi-OSD is activatedany time you send a command to the AVR, and any time the AVRdetects a change in the incoming signal. Semi-OSD messages areoverlaid on top of any video signal, so that you may continue to watchyour program while making adjustments to the AVR.Although it’s possible to configure the AVR using only the remote andthe semi-OSD messages, we recommend that you use the full-screenmenu system, known as the “full OSD”.Using the On-Screen Menu SystemThe full-OSD system is accessed by pressing the OSD Button on theremote. See Figure 47. While the full-OSD system is in use, it isn’tpossible to see any video programming. In addition, an OSD ONmessage will appear on the front panel of the receiver to remindyou to use a video display.Figure 47 – Navigation ButtonsNOTE: The ‹/› and Set Buttons on the front panel have noeffect on the OSD system.The OSD system consists of six main menus: Input Setup, SurroundSetup, Speaker Setup, Multiroom Setup, Video Setup and System Setup.Navigation tabs for each menu appear on the left side of the screen.When you first press the OSD Button, the Input Setup menu will be visi-ble (see Figure 48), since its tab is at the top of the screen. However,you must press the Set Button to select the Input Setup menu so thatyou can make any necessary adjustments. If you wish to select anothermenu, use the ⁄/¤ Buttons to highlight the tab for the desired menu,and press the Set Button to select it.Figure 48 – OSD SystemWhen you first select a menu, the first setting line will be highlighted(see Figure 49).Figure 49 – Input Setup MenuIf you wish to change that setting, press the Set Button. Although thesetting name will remain highlighted, the value will appear in blue typewith arrows to the left and right, indicating that you may use the ‹/›Buttons to scroll through the available values. See Figure 50. When thedesired value appears, press the Set Button to select it.Figure 50 – Changing a SettingUse the ⁄/¤ Buttons to navigate to other settings within the menu.When you have finished making all adjustments in that menu, press the‹ Button to return to the navigation tabs, and then use the ⁄/¤Buttons to select the tab for another menu.We recommend that most users follow the instructions in this INITIALSETUP section to configure a basic home theater system. You mayreturn to these menus at any time to make additional adjustments.Thanks to the EzSet/EQ system, most of the menu adjustments maybe saved until you have become more familiar with the AVR, and aretherefore described in the Advanced Functions section.