37 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTEProgramming the RemoteLearning CodesIn addition to using codes from the remote’sinternal code library, the AVR 510’s remote isable to “learn”codes from remotes that maynot be in the code library. In addition, you mayuse this function to “learn over” the codes froma preprogrammed device to add functions notincluded in the preprogrammed codes. To learnor transfer codes from an IR remote to theAVR 510’s remote, follow these steps:1. Place the front of the original remote withthe code being sent so that it is facing theIR Transmitter Window b on theAVR 510 remote “head-to-head.” Theremotes should be between one and threeinches apart.2. Select the button on the remote that youwish to use as the device selector for thecodes about to be entered. This may be anyof the Input Selectors e.3. Press the Input Selector e buttonchosen and the Learn button h at thesame time. Hold these buttons until theProgram/SPL Indicator c flashes amberand the light under the device selector but-ton turns red. Release the buttons.4. Press the button on the AVR 510 remote thatyou wish to program. Note that theProgram/SPL Indicator c will stopflashing.5. Within five seconds, press and hold the but-ton on the original remote that you wish to“teach” into the AVR 510 remote. When theProgram/SPL Indicator c turns greenthree times, release the button. Note that theProgram Indicator will then begin to flashamber again.NOTE: If the Program/SPL Indicator cturns red during Step 5 or 6, the program-ming was not successful. Repeat the steps tosee if the code will “take.”6. Repeat Steps 4 though 6 for each button onthe source remote that you wish to transferto the AVR 510 remote.7. Once all codes have been transferred fromthe original source remote to the AVR 510remote, press the Learn button h.8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for any addi-tional remotes you wish to “teach” into theAVR 510 Remote.Erasing Learned CodesThe AVR 510’s remote allows you to remove orerase, the code learned into a single button for asingle device, to remove or erase the code set forall the codes that have been programmed intospecific device buttons, or to erase all commandsthat have been learned to all devices.To erase a single learned code from within a sin-gle device’s settings, follow these steps:1. Press and hold both the Input Selectorefg within which the individual but-ton to be erased has been programmed andthe Learn button h.2. When the red LED under the Input Selectorturns red and the Program/SPL Indicatorc flashes amber, release the buttons.3. Press and release the Input Selectorefg again for the device withinwhich the individual button to be erased hasbeen programmed.4. Press the 7 button r four times.5. Press and release the individual button forwhich the code is to be erased. TheProgram/SPL Indicator c will blink greentwo times and then return to amber.6. To erase other buttons within the same device,press them as noted in Step 5.7. When all buttons to be erased have beenpressed, press the Learn button h tocomplete the process.To erase all codes within a single device, followthese steps:1. Press and hold both the Input Selectorefg for which you wish to erase thecodes and the Learn button h.2. When the red LED under the Input Selectorturns red and the Program/SPL Indicatorc flashes amber, release the buttons.3. Press and release the Input Selectorefg again for the device whosecodes you wish to erase.4. Press the 8 button r four times.5. The Program/SPL Indicator c will turnoff and the red light under the InputSelector will flash on and off once to indi-cate that the codes have been erased.To erase all codes that have been programmedto all devices in the remote, follow these steps:1. Press any Input Selector efg forwhich you wish to erase the codes and alsothe Learn button h.2. When the red LED under the Input Selectorturns red and the Program/SPL Indicatorc flashes amber, release the buttons.3. Press and release the Input Selectorefg again for the device whosecodes you wish to erase.4. Press the 9 button r four times.5. The Program/SPL Indicator c will turnoff and the red light under the InputSelector will flash on and off once toindicate that the codes have been erased.Macro ProgrammingMacros enable you to easily repeat frequentlyused combinations of commands with the pressof a single button on the AVR 510’s remote con-trol. Once programmed, a macro will send outup to 19 different remote codes in a predeter-mined sequential order enabling you to auto-mate the process of turning on your system,changing devices, or other common tasks. TheAVR 510’s remote can store up to five separatemacro command sequences: one that isassociated with the Power On button a andfour more that are accessed by pressing theMacro buttons w.1. Press the Mute button and theMacro button w to be programmed orthe Power On button a at the sametime. Note that an Input Selector will lightred, and the Program/SPL Indicator cwill flash amber.2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence bypressing the button for the actual commandstep. Although the macro may contain up to19 steps, each button press, including thoseused to change devices, counts as a step.The Program/SPL Indicator c will flashgreen to confirm each button press as youenter commands.38